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Nathan Sabari

Forgotten Star

A no trick level with low ceiling effect

Forgotten Star
Nathan Sabari, Jun 11, 2024
delator77 likes this.
    • Nathan Sabari
      I think there is only one possible solution, and I'll upload within an hour. Hope you guys enjoy ;).
      Somehow the ball which touches the star of other ball, isn't passable. I don't know whether it's there before, here is the first time I noticed
    • Rating:
      I liked the finish although it took me four attempts to finally succeed.
    • ridgerunner
      My above comment might sound strange but now having looked at the video i see that my finish was different .
      i tapped the zapper with B far away then released the ball so that B autopiloted onto the ball
    • Rating:
      Enjoyable level with well designed path and solution.
      I have to admit I was initially caught by the 'gotcha' move near the end which forced a couple of restarts, as I failed to beat it like @ridgerunner successfully did.
      Eventually the correct solution got me to the win.

    • Pratik Bhalerao
      @Nathan Sabari
      It was there from beginning, you can't step over the Star but catch the Star from same level / floor.
    • Nathan Sabari
      @Pratik Bhalerao
      I mean I can't step over the ball. The ball isn't passable:oops:. Sorry, I can't understand what you said :(

      First the star ball should fall, then the normal ball. If B fails to ride on the ball above the zapper, then B can't get the last star. The ball isn't passable at all.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Cool logic :thumbsup:. I, like others, had several restarts due to the ending. And I had a problem with logic at the very beginning, because I absolutely did not see or understand the complex trajectory of the first ball. After that everything became clear.
      The logic is very good and the ending idea is good.
      But this level is more tricks level. Because there is a
      “low ceiling” and a “stop star”
      . Subsequently, this effect was studied more thoroughly and transformed into the more popular “star pass” effect http://mekoramaforum.com/threads/star-pass.1402/
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      This is such a great level, except that one issue. And I don't get why you didn't just remove the star and used a classical single win. So, and I say this jokingly, I have to drop a star because you didn't. :D Seriously, this is a great logic level. I struggled with the start. For a long time I just could not see it. When I finally did, I really enjoyed the level. It is your typical style and I like it. Then "the issue" popped up, and some weird trick at the and of a long logic level (where the automatic sliders are in some beautiful dance but do make it slow) was apparently required, causing unnecessary restarts. That star on the ball should not be there, but here as a fifth star in this rating. And that's all that I think would need to change. Still, really enjoyed this level. :)
    • Nathan Sabari
      @ridgerunner @ArGee @Denis Nazin Thanks for playing friends. Well thanks for explaining about stop star effect :thumbsup:.
      @Block builder Thanks for playing and rating my friend, I thought while building the level, two stars are needed for this or that gameplay. If I remove the last star, the star ball can be catched easily either by order of balls or B can be sacrificed. If I remove the star of the ball, it's pretty straight forward level. That's why I needed two stars:oops:.
      Well your rating complements the title of the level:D
    • delator77
      @Nathan Sabari Hi my friend :)... I have a quick question...
      when you say that low ceiling has an effect what do you mean exactly?
      1- that low ceiling has an effect but it isn't required in the intended solution or...
      2- that low ceiling has an effect & is requiered in the intended solution
    • Nathan Sabari
      For example, in the intended solution
      Low ceiling is there in the final move, where B catches the last star. If normal ball falls, then star ball falls, and if at all there is no low ceiling, B would have caught the last star and comes back and catch the star ball, by sacrificing itself. It would invite another solution, so to avoid that, I used low ceiling so that B, catches first the ball star, then catches the normal star atlast.
      Low ceiling is useful for players, only when cancel tap is accompanied, while here it is required for author to avoid shortcuts or alternative solution:oops:
      Sorry I can't put words to describe, if you don't understand my friend :cry::cry:
    • delator77
      @Nathan Sabari ok, I only read the first part of the spoiler to be sure that move is intended... for now is enough for me cause I am afraid that if I continue reading your spoiler the fun will be end cause you will tell me how to solve... and I don't want this, I want to decypher the gameplay by myself... thanks my friend, lets see if with that information I can solve the level ;)
    • delator77
      @Nathan Sabari Uuhhmmm...
      so,if I understood well,first B have to take the star attached to the ball & then the other star right?:rolleyes:
    • Block builder
      @Nathan Sabari Removing the star on the ball would make the order of the two balls not important, but that's all it does right? Or am I missing something... I think the level would still not be that straightforward. Perhaps there could be another way to force ball order.
    • Rating:
      A bit tricky to discover the last star. but I had a lot fun, even though I had to restart a few times... :rolleyes:
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    Jun 11, 2024
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