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Denis Nazin

Frontal Castle

No TRICKS! Only classic mekorama logic

Frontal Castle
Denis Nazin, Jun 19, 2024
JojoIII, jana, delator77 and 2 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS!
      Only classic mekorama logic
      Time - 2:22
      I spent a lot of time on the stability of the balls, but there is still a very small chance that the second top ball may be unstable. This is VERY unlikely, but if it happens to you, I apologize!! I did everything I could to prevent this from happening.

      Sometimes players waste time looking for a star that is indoors (even if it is visible):rotf:;)
      At this level I don't want you to waste time on this, so that's where the top star is:
    • Rating:
      The balls were stable for me in this straightforward, good looking level.
    • Denis Nazin
    • Chris Hester
      Twice the second ball at the top rolls onto a ball already in a hole on the right, not the hole needed on the left. I will have to watch the video to see what is wrong.

      Edit: ah I see you push the right ball first. I was doing the left first.

      Great design with the sloped blocks! Was it inspired by my Stonehenge level at all?

      It's great exploring to see where B can get to.
    • Painkiller
      ;)The perfect design and unique display angles are eye-catching. Sometimes the ball doesn't go according to the routine and you have to start over, which is very helpless.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Played this on laptop and it caused way too many restarts. :rotf: The 45-degree style threw my spatial awareness off guard. :eek: Stumbled upon the right ball order with the top balls. No stability issues for me. I was not so lucky with what star to take first. :rolleyes:

      Btw., thanks for indicating the enclosed star. :D
    • Rating:
      Relaxing logic gameplay in a very beautiful castle... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
      btw... I had not stability issues :rolleyes:
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 I'm very glad that you liked it and I'm very happy that everything was stable:D. Thank you very VERY much for your comment my friend!;):thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Yes Yes Yes!!! You have grasped the most important essence of the level, the main idea of the level! I'm always very happy with your comments because you understand the levels very well, not only from the players' point of view but also from the builder's point of view! You really understand very well the psychology and specifics of the level’s perception by the author of this level. This is cool and shows that you yourself are a brilliant builder!!

      The main idea was to build a castle that would appear on the avatar not from the side (as usual) but from the front. It is very difficult to build - everything is made of wedges:confused::rotf:
      Then I thought - this will be interesting from a gameplay point of view. Because there is a non-standard angle of perception of the architecture and relative to the architecture the bot runs at an angle of 45 degreeso_O:rotf:. And this is the main idea of the gameplay;)
      I'm glad it was stable for you too! And I'm glad that the photo of the star location is useful.
      Thank you SO MUCH my friend :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Painkiller Thank you so much for your feedback on the design! I really tried hard and it's hard to do at a 45 degree angle. Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! :D:thumbsup:
      Regarding the gameplay - yes, at this level the two top balls must be pushed in a strictly defined order, otherwise nothing will work. And the last ball must fulfill its function according to schedule. Then everything will work out. Thank you;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Chris Hester
      Yes, you're right - the sequence of the top balls is very important! I'm glad you figured it out!
      I'm very glad that you liked the design. I've been wanting to make a Frontal Castle for a long time. Yes, I looked at your level - it is indeed similar in some details. But I didn't try to copy - it just coincided! In mekorama there are not very many possible options for the fundamental construction of architecture (not counting the details), I mean the basis of design or the basic principles of design.
      Thank you very much for the game and your review!;):D
    • Rating:
      Gorgeous design. Everything is perfect at this nice logic level. I did it on my first try as there are also no stability issues in my case. Thank you for sharing! :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Great classic level as always. It is surprising challenging to play a level with everything on a 45d angle. Looked beautiful too.
    • Denis Nazin
      @jana Thank you SO MUCH:thumbsup:!! I'm very glad that you liked it. And I’m very glad that everything was stable with the balls for you too. Since many players have already told me that everything is stable, it means I was worrying about it in vain.:D
      Thank you ;)
      jana likes this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Tui Yes Yes Yes!:thumbsup: You absolutely correctly understood the main idea of the level. I really wanted the right angles of the architecture to look like they were on a normal level. And because of this, an optical illusion is created of an incorrect angular movement B of the bot. The illusion is created that the bot is not moving straight but diagonally. I'm glad you liked it!!!
      I would like to make many levels like this (with the illusion of a non-standard viewing angle). But unfortunately it is very long and difficult to build:confused::rotf:. As is always the case when you build with wedges. It is much more convenient and easier to build from cubic blocks than from wedges. For this reason, I probably won’t build a similar architecture again in the near future:rotf:;)
      Thank you very VERY much :thumbsup:;)
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