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Bend like Beckam

Bend like Beckam
MekoMole, Jun 15, 2024
JojoIII, delator77 and EL797 like this.
    • MekoMole
      Beckham is misspelled. One, he hopefully can't sue me, and two, there isn't enough space on the card title.
      An absolute nonsense level I've had in my build album for a long time but thought it might amuse. No need for a video solution or lengthy explanation.
      This is a five a side game and the four draggable players need to keep feeding the ball to the prima donna striker as he quickly clears a space devoid of balls.
      Like volatile team manager B, adventurous players might want to make a quick point to point dash to take the trophy but I don't recommend it, one step at a time. The path to football glory can be perilous in face of an oppostion still full of sparkle.
      Имя Бекхэма написано с ошибкой. Во-первых, он, надеюсь, не сможет подать на меня в суд, и во-вторых, в названии карточки недостаточно места. Абсолютный абсурдный уровень, который уже давно есть в моем альбоме сборки, но я подумал, что это может развлечь. Нет необходимости в видеорешении или длинных объяснениях. Это игра впятером, и четыре перетаскиваемых игрока должны продолжать подавать мяч нападающему Примадонны, пока он быстро очищает пространство, лишенное мячей. Как и непостоянный менеджер команды B, предприимчивые игроки могут захотеть совершить быстрый рывок от точки к точке, чтобы получить трофей, но я не рекомендую это делать, шаг за шагом. Путь к футбольной славе может быть опасен перед лицом все еще яркой оппозиции.
      Beckham gaizki idatzita dago. Bata, espero dut ezin nau auzitara eraman, eta bi, ez dago nahikoa leku txartelaren izenburuan. Aspaldian nire build albumean izan nuen zentzugabekeria maila, baina dibertigarria izan zitekeela pentsatu nuen. Ez da bideo irtenbiderik edo azalpen luzerik behar. Bosteko jokoa da eta arrastaka daitezkeen lau jokalariek baloia elikatzen jarraitu behar dute prima donna aurrelariari, baloirik gabeko espazioa azkar garbitzen baitu. B taldeko zuzendari lurrunkorren antzera, jokalari abenturazaleek puntuz puntu marra bizkor bat egin nahiko lukete garaikurra hartzeko, baina ez dut gomendatzen, urratsez urrats. Futbolaren aintzarako bidea arriskutsua izan daiteke oraindik distiraz betetako oposizio baten aurrean.
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      Robo Beckham looks as if he has two left feet , like most of the Scottish soccer team last night according to the match reports. Luckily I don’t watch soccer games. It was fun watching the field filling up for B.
    • MekoMole
      Thanks @ridgerunner, first off the line as usual. Like you I'm not a football fan and have only skimmed the news but it does appear to have been an absolute trouncing even for the Scotland team.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      :rotf::rotf: Ha-ha-ha:D. Funny. Just for fun ;). Thank you my friend :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Let us appreciate this for what it is. Silly fun. :D Wish my hips were that flexible. :eek:
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Denis Nazin, I'm delighted you found it fun. :) I enjoyed building it, made a refreshing change from mega levels. Having said that I have a completely over the top level in the pipeline.:rolleyes:
    • MekoMole
      I'm glad you appreciated the level in the spirit it was offered @Block builder :thumbsup:. Thank you for playing and very kind rating. I wish my whole body was that flexible, I feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz when he rusted up. o_O
    • Rating:
      Jajaja, absolutely fun :rotf:... thanks for sharing @MekoMole ;)
    • Rating:
      Chaotic but fun :rotf:
    • MekoMole
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @EL797. Yes, it is chaotic but I'm delighted people are finding the chaos fun.
      EL797 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Looked simple (I thought kids stuff). But I had to predict all the posiible ball paths. BUT THE C:cool::cool:L Design itself deserves 5 in my opinion :sneaky:.
    • MekoMole
    • Valentin
      How could I miss that one ?
      Whoever likes fluids mechanics will be interested in this ;)
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