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Meko Guy

R Not Much Use

A few tricks will be required

R Not Much Use
Meko Guy, Jun 15, 2024
JojoIII and delator77 like this.
    • Meko Guy
      - auto pilots
      - mid air tap
    • Rating:
      It was a good level but i thought that the move at 2.33 was not in keeping with the usual extremely high standard of @Meko Guy levels. I used it also as I couldn’t see an alternative but i didn’t use the second of the listed tricks and had a no-trick alternative .
      Also forgot to say that i didn’t spot the start in the video and used the other bot to remove the zappers.
    • ridgerunner
      Here is video of my alternative to second listed trick
    • Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      Very enjoyable tricky level but my way was very different... I must admit that after completed the level I noticed that maybe my solution was different cause...
      a step using P's belly was needed in it although not sure yet if this move is a trick... besides I removed the zappers with P & I did not use long legs with B cause also used P to do that job :sneaky:...
      thanks for sharing @Meko Guy ;)
      Ahh, almost forgot to say... in your solution movie there are two stars but my card has only one :rolleyes:
    • Meko Guy
      @delator77 -
      Whoops - I didn't notice that. As for your variation, I'm not surprised as you and others have many moves up your sleeve that you can use at your disposal. Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
    • delator77
      @Meko Guy Sometimes the obvious is not so obvious and that's why you have to find alternative solutions... when I saw your intentional movement I couldn't believe how I hadn't seen it... and since I think my alternative movement is cool I recorded it... By the way, a move that if I'm not mistaken I learned from you... in fact since that break I took I have been able to complete all your levels except one, which I gave up on and in which the key move was that same one... do you like it? What I am not clear about is if this movement can be considered a trick :rolleyes:
    • Meko Guy
      @delator77 - Yes I like it and I will use it - thanks. As for a trick? Tough one - yes and no comes to mind. Yes as B can't normally walk on P's belly but No as B and R/L can walk on each other's back and belly. If I use it and I will, I'll call it a behaviour - meaning something out of the normal has to happen. Thanks for the video.
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Jun 15, 2024
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