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Another B Flick

Straightforward skill level. The draggables are one use each, don't squander them. I've added a recovery route to help to minimise restarts. Have fun. (solution image in comments)

Another B Flick
ArGee, Jun 15, 2024
JojoIII, delator77 and EL797 like this.
    • Rating:
      I liked capturing the stars at the sides.
      ArGee likes this.
    • EL797
      Too hard for me as I'm not good at this kind of levels :confused: Like the pleasant design :)
      ArGee likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Cool idea:thumbsup:! Angular trajectory is always interesting, challenging and exciting:sneaky:.
      Thank you very much for the comfort at the level - thank you for the markers and the recovery ladder for unsuccessful throws! :thumbsup:
      I liked it and enjoyed it. Thank you, 5 from me!;)

      And by the way, I’m very glad to see a new level from you:D
      ArGee likes this.
    • ArGee
      @ridgerunner Thx.
      TBH it was the technique to capture the side stars that I enjoyed and made me think it was worth sharing.

      Appreciate the review.
    • ArGee
      @EL797 No worries :). Thanks for your comment. :thumbsup:
      EL797 likes this.
    • ArGee
      @Denis Nazin Exactly! The angular trajectory is the point of this and makes the level a little more interesting. The rest of the build is eye candy and recovery structure to make throwing B the wrong way a little less frustrating.

      Thanks for rating so high. :cool:
    • Rating:
      Eye catching design which encourages one to play. I'm surprised, and pleased, that I managed to complete. The offset gameplay is new to me and full marks for the idea. Thanks for sharing.
      ArGee likes this.
    • Rating:
      I love skill levels so enjoyed a lot taking, above everything, the two lateral stars :sneaky:... besides I liked the design... thanks for sharing @ArGee ;)
      ArGee likes this.
    • ArGee
      @MekoMole Thank you. I am pleased that you appreciated the design and it drew you in to play. Aesthetics are an important part of the build to me. :thumbsup:

      @delator77 Thank you. I have to confess, knowing your enjoyment of skill levels, I was hopeful you'd appreciate the lateral stars. :cool:
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      It took me two days to understand how to manage getting two side stars and finish with all stars collected :confused:. Very good skill level :thumbsup:.
      ArGee likes this.
    • ArGee
    • ArGee
      Time your move to hit B as he is moving towards the flicker from the left or right side.
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