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Counting Blocks

Mid level

Counting Blocks
EL797, May 26, 2024
delator77 likes this.
    • EL797
      Number of the specific type of blocks in the car race design = Number of blocks the corresponding slider has to move

      Inspired by the counting sheep game (when you can't sleep) lol.
    • Rating:
      I was expecting the car to move.
    • EL797
    • Rating:
      Jajaja, me too... I thought...
      lets see what happens if I push the car with the FD...& the car was broken :eek:
      not difficult but I like it... thanks @EL797 ;)
      EL797 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Interesting concept. Like ridgerunner I would have liked to see the car move but I also like it so 5. Thanks for sharing.
      EL797 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Cool idea, and of course I really love the original levels and that’s why 5.
      But there is one discrepancy:
      I had to restart the level because the first time all my sliders were one block short of what I needed to win. Will explain:
      when I counted the blocks, I counted the first position too! Because the places where the sliders initially stand also have blocks underneath them that are identical to the entire track. That is, I considered the initial position as “block number 1”. According to your idea, the starting position is “0”, and when you move the slider, the counting begins - 1,2,3,4... But in this case, to avoid confusion (as happened to me), you did not need to place blocks under the sliders! Or designate the start strip with one color.
      In this case, the player will know for sure that they need to start counting blocks from the first movement of the slider, and not from the initial position of the slides. This is the only thing that, in my opinion, could have been done differently - simply not placing blocks under the sliders in their original position. And then everything becomes unambiguous and clear.
      Thanks, I really like the idea and design with the car and the "finish line" design. For this reason 5.;):thumbsup:
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Denis Nazin Thank you for your detailed review and I apologize for the inconvenience you experienced
      Lesson learned! I will adapt the former if I make similar levels in the future (as I'm afraid the latter will confuse players due to the addition of a new type of block). I did consider omitting the blocks under the sliders when I was building this level, but ultimately chose this design as it looked better to me

      Again thank you for playing, commenting, and rating :thumbsup:
    • EL797
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Can you help me understand the level :)? I don't get it (I couldn't sleep after trying this :D:rotf:).
      EL797 likes this.
    • EL797
      @Soohaeib Afeef Hosen The principle of this level is to count the number of blocks in the car race design (on the right-hand side). For example, how many red bricks are in the car race design? The answer is

      Once you get this answer, move the slider with a red brick underneath to the 4th red brick (note that the initial position of the slider is counted as the 0th block)

      And that applies to all other required blocks (i.e. sand block, sand wedge, stone, stone pillar, grass)

      Hope this helps :)
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Wow! That's beyond my thoughts. Very cool investigation level. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
      EL797 likes this.
    • Rating:
      97 NinetySeven
      I like the concept behind this level. Everyone has to explore with differing views in order to count all blocks.
      EL797 likes this.
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