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Simone Tat

Dedalus N.2.

For those who solved "Dedalus N.1.", it is now the turn of "Dedalus N.2.". The secret Key Is different, but similar!

Dedalus N.2.
Simone Tat, May 15, 2024
    • delator77
      You must have hidden the second star very well because I couldn't find it :rolleyes:
    • Simone Tat
      @delator77 the second star is there somewhere, but impossible to be seen...
      Find the key to solve this puzzle and you find the star automatically ;)
    • delator77
      @Simone Tat Buff, sorry my friend, I give up...I think I checked all the nooks and crannies and either there is nothing or B ends up burned :unsure:... but now I am curious & want to know it :sneaky:
    • Simone Tat
      @delator77 I can give you some hint :)

      The key to solve this problem is seeing the labyrinth from above. From this view you can see different types of blocks:
      • grass blocks and red brick blocks -> just decorations;
      • fences and holes -> key blocks to win. If you notice, there are two kind of holes: the "full" ones, that arrive on the floor of the labyrinth and the "half" holes, that just stop on the second layer of the red bricks. These half-holes are always adjacent to some full-holes (or the border of the labyrinth), which are the places to click to move B in safe... Nevertheless, the order in which the full holes are pressed is crucial! Here it comes the role of fences. Orient the labyrinth so that the writing "Good luck" is positioned correctly and think in columns. The number of fences in each column represents the order in which pressing the safe places to move B.
      Follow this hint and finish the level! Let me know ;)
    • delator77
      @Simone Tat thanks for your long & clear explanation but I can not solve it yet :rotf:... what I do not understand is how ,if I checked all the nooks & cranies, I did not find the second star... even if it was by chance... it has not sense :(
    • Simone Tat
      @delator77, let us consider the top of the labyrinth as a matrix (table) 16x16 and the pair (i, j) as the block in row "i" and column "j".

      1. Press on the white block under the red brick in position (16, 8) -> B walks and goes out of the labyrinth, in the lower part under the writing "Good Luck";
      2. press on the white block adjacent on the left with respect to (15, 1) -> B walks outside the labyrinth and arrives on the bottom-left side, near an entrance to the labyrinth;
      3. press on (14, 4), i.e. the white block with the visible star -> B collects the first star;
      4. press on (10, 4) -> B collects the second hidden star and you win.
    • Rating:
      I won using your hints (I love matrices). Thanks!

      But shouldn't the position be (16,9)?
    • EL797
    • Simone Tat
      @EL797 The white blocks under (16,8) or (16,9) are both safe places to click ;)
      EL797 likes this.
    • delator77
      @Simone Tat Well, it seems that I didn't look in every corner :rotf:... I don't think I would have ever figured it out without your help... thanks for the video @EL797 :rolleyes:
      EL797 likes this.
    • Peng Lin
      It's complicated when you look at this pass, but it's not difficult at all. Just let Xiao Huang go outside the map, and everything will become very simple, but the location of the end point is a bit hidden.
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