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An expanding adventure level. No tricks. Help B and his Resistance cell defeat the Centaur. View as sculpture only , play as easy stand alone win block or as a much longer and more challenging level.

MekoMole, Apr 19, 2024
    • MekoMole
      The planet Daedalus V lies in ruins after a devastating war with the forces of the Andromedan Galactic Empire. A Centaur of the Imperial forces strides contemptuously through the pitiful ruins of the once beautiful city of Carthaginia. In his arrogance and disdain he fails to see the flickering signs of resistance to the evil Empire. Resistance leader B, assisted by you, the extra terrestial warrior from the Milky Way, must marshal his puny forces and destroy this barbaric intruder.

      Планета Дедал V лежит в руинах после разрушительной войны с силами Галактической Империи Андромеды. Кентавр Имперских войск презрительно шагает по жалким руинам некогда прекрасного города Карфагена. В своем высокомерии и презрении он не видит мерцающих признаков сопротивления Империи зла. Лидер сопротивления Б, которому помогаете вы, инопланетный воин с Млечного Пути, должен собрать свои ничтожные силы и уничтожить этого варварского злоумышленника.

      Daedalus V planeta hondatuta dago Andromedako Inperio Galaktikoaren indarrekin gerra suntsigarri baten ostean. Indar Inperialen zentauro bat mespretxuz urratsak egiten ari da garai batean Kartaginia hiri ederraren hondakin tamalgarrietan zehar. Bere harrokerian eta mespretxuan ez ditu ikusten Inperio gaiztoaren aurkako erresistentzia zantzuak. B Erresistentziako buruzagiak, zuk lagunduta, Esne Bideko lur-estrako gudariak, bere indarrak bildu eta intrusio barbaro hau suntsitu beharko ditu.

      My thanks to @ridgerunner for invaluable advice which forced me to re-evaluate the playability of this level and the associated documentation. Even after this rework it is still a long level if played to gain maximum points. Any remaining shortcomings are mine alone, especially where I have not followed his advice on zappers.
      To my mind the level can be experienced in any one of three scenarios :-
      1) As a view only sculptural level.
      2) Go directly to the win block, an easy win.
      3) Try to win with the maximum captured stars. To do this is time consuming, some of the herded bot paths are very long. However it shouldn't be necessary to watch a bot once started on it's journey and start on something else.

      This fairly complex level is, I hope, 95% plus stable. If the horizontal expansion fails a restart is unfortunately required. If the upper body of the Centaur fails to deploy this can be fixed by pulling the latch slide using the draggable at the front of the level.
      Given the time to unfold I have tried to eliminate restarts but some zappers are incorporated in the design to prevent B taking stars directly and forcing the herding of bots.

      There are two user initiated ball drops. In my solution these are the opening moves. Note that an RBot is sacrificed, this is intentional as the character is redundant after the shield is raised.

      Выражаю благодарность @ridgerunner за бесценный совет, который заставил меня пересмотреть играбельность этого уровня и связанную с ним документацию. Даже после этой переделки это по-прежнему длинный уровень, если играть на нем с целью набрать максимальное количество очков. Все остальные недостатки принадлежат только мне, особенно там, где я не последовал его советам по поводу заперов. На мой взгляд, этот уровень можно пройти по любому из трех сценариев: 1) В качестве вида только скульптурный уровень. 2) Перейти непосредственно к блоку выигрыша, легкий выигрыш. 3) Постарайтесь победить, забрав максимальное количество захваченных звезд. Чтобы сделать это, требуется много времени, некоторые пути движения ботов очень длинные. Однако не обязательно наблюдать за ботом, начавшим свой путь, и начинать что-то еще. Я надеюсь, что этот довольно сложный уровень стабилен на 95% плюс. Если горизонтальное расширение не удалось, к сожалению, потребуется перезагрузка. Если верхняя часть корпуса «Кентавра» не может развернуться, это можно исправить, потянув защелку с помощью перетаскиваемого предмета в передней части уровня. Учитывая время на развертывание, я попытался исключить перезапуски, но в дизайн включены некоторые запперы, чтобы не дать B напрямую забирать звезды и заставлять ботов скапливаться. Есть два падения мяча, инициированные пользователем. В моем решении это первые ходы. Обратите внимание, что RBot приносится в жертву, это сделано намеренно, поскольку персонаж становится ненужным после поднятия щита.

      Nire esker ona @ridgerunner-i maila honetako jokagarritasuna eta harekin lotutako dokumentazioa berriro ebaluatzera behartu ninduen aholku eskergagatik. Berrazterketa honen ondoren ere maila luzea da puntu gehien irabazteko jokatuz gero. Gainerako gabeziak nireak dira, batez ere zapperei buruzko bere aholkuak jarraitu ez ditudanean. Nire ustez maila hiru eszenatoki hauetako batean bizi daiteke: - 1) Ikuspegi gisa eskultura maila soilik. 2) Joan zuzenean irabazien blokera, irabazi erraza. 3) Saiatu gehienez harrapatutako izarrekin irabazten. Horretarako denbora asko behar da, artaldeko bot bide batzuk oso luzeak dira. Hala ere, ez da beharrezkoa izango bot bat ikustea behin bere bidaia hasi eta beste zerbaitetan hasita. Maila nahiko konplexu hau, espero dut, %95 gehi egonkorra da. Hedapen horizontalak huts egiten badu, tamalez, berrabiarazi behar da. Zentauroaren goiko gorputzak hedatzen ez badu, hau konpondu daiteke giltza irristakorrari tiraka, mailaren aurrealdean dagoen arrastagarria erabiliz. Zabaltzeko denbora emanda, berrabiaraziak ezabatzen saiatu naiz baina diseinuan zapper batzuk sartuta daude B izarrak zuzenean hartzea eta bot-ak artzaintza behartzea saihesteko. Erabiltzaileak abiarazitako bi pilota-jaurtiketa daude. Nire soluzioan hauek dira hasierako mugimenduak. Kontuan izan RBot bat sakrifikatzen dela, hau nahita da, pertsonaia erredundantea baita ezkutua altxatu ondoren. .
    • Rating:
      Looks as spectacular as I remember and fairly similar so presumably only fine tuning since i last was given a preview. Was very stable for me and got all the stars on my second start so playability looks good. Love catching the star on the sword. A great achievement.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Wow, WOW!!! SUPER COOL design :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:!!!
      I really love your big sculptures. They are all masterpieces of mekorama art. And this level is another masterpiece of yours!!
      Stunning realism of the sculpture’s shape and attention to all the details!!!
      Brilliant! I had a lot of fun building the level and putting all the parts of the transformer together. Very well thought out transformation!
      Regarding the gameplay - as you know, I don’t play long levels now. But I liked it so much and I really wanted to quickly evaluate it that I completed your quick victory without collecting all the stars. I won with a win block:D;) - to quickly appreciate this masterpiece:thumbsup:
      When I have more time I will try to collect all the stars too.
      Thank you very much my dear friend. It certainly deserves a 5!:thumbsup:
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @ridgerunner for kind words and rating, especially as the level was old hat. You are correct about fine tuning. Murphy's Law struck at least three times as I attempted to create the video. A series of never before encountered ball drop errors necessitated a fair amount of fine but detailed rework. Thank you for your patient assistance, it is much appreciated.
      As an aside I managed 7km the other day which has boosted my confidence to the extent I've published my first level for 6 months. Hope all is well with you and all systems are go for May.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Denis Nazin for such a prompt and warm response to Centaur. I understand your reluctance to play long levels and that was one factor in my change of approach. Previously a quick win block was seen as a short cut and I tended to go for sequential paths culminating in a win block. In early versions of this level I tried to build in a time pressure where B set in motion the bot to take the win block then had to take the final star before the end of the game. @ridgerunner soon foiled this cunning plan and persuaded me I was trying, unsuccessfully, to be too clever.
      Спасибо @Денис Назин за такой оперативный и теплый ответ «Кентавру». Я понимаю ваше нежелание играть на длинных уровнях, и это стало одним из факторов, повлиявших на изменение моего подхода. Раньше блок быстрого выигрыша рассматривался как кратчайший путь, и я имел тенденцию идти по последовательным путям, завершающимся блоком выигрыша. В ранних версиях этого уровня я пытался создать цейтнот, когда Б приводил в движение бота, чтобы взять выигрышный блок, а затем должен был забрать последнюю звезду до конца игры. @ridgerunner вскоре сорвал этот хитрый план и убедил меня, что я безуспешно пытаюсь быть слишком умным.
    • Rating:
      This is not Meko-art. This is simply art, absolutely art.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Mark69 for such a wonderful complement. It is very much appreciated.
    • Rating:
      Wow, wow, wow astonishing design in motion :eek:... I can not remember the times I opened the card only to enjoy with the opening :rotf:... besides the logic gameplay was really satisfying :sneaky:... thanks for sharing my friend @MekoMole ;) gorgeous job! :rolleyes:
      btw, the centaur remembered me to the protagonist of probably the most famous spainish book written by Cervantes called "El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha" that is, if I am not wrong, the second most printed book only behind the bible :D
      Well, I was so excited that I forgot to watch the video of the solution :oops:... and the truth is that my way has been very different but since I haven't used tricks it's not worth commenting on... except this detail... look at this... uuhhmmm, maybe I cheat a bit? :rolleyes:
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @delator77 for such an enthusiastic response. All three of my Musketeers have approved and I can rest content.
      Your reference to Don Quijote struck a chord. I have long had a fascination with this work, admittedly more the many illustrations accompanying the many publications of the tale which I also enjoyed. I have often thought of a Mekorama tribute but have abandoned the project. Your comment has rekindled my interest.
      There are many solutions to this level and my video was only my blinkered interpretation of the best way. The problem with challenging Musketeers is that one constantly underestimates the opponent. Your 'detail' uses a feature of life outside the matrix, of which I was aware, thought I had built in protections against but missed this move. I stand humbled by a Master. Touché. Not a cheat, a deserved win!
      Thank you.
    • delator77
      @MekoMole Yes, Don Quijote is one of the best novels I have ever read... and I have read quite a few :sneaky:... it would be great if you made a level dedicated to him... go ahead! :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      97 NinetySeven
      Wonderful opening and expanding actions. The stance conveys a majestic confidence that is ready for battle.
      I attempted the long play without success and surrendered to the quick win. It was enjoyably fun watching the sword tip star capture.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @97 NinetySeven for such a kind response. I'm particularly glad you found the sword tip capture fun as I was very undecided on keeping that move, given it is so long. The path to the win block was even more tortuous but I simplified it.
      Looking forward to your next masterpiece.
    • shultz
      Not my cup of tea but very impressive in the amount of work you put in.

      I opened the level initially but there's too many options at the start so I immediately gave up haha. Watching the video, I also see bot escort, long level, and walking on the floor, all of which are things I personally shy away from in levels. Also the mechanism in the video does not work for me on my device, the piece slides one block then stops.
    • MekoMole
      Than you @shultz for trying the level and commenting. I have had comments in the past about some of my more complex levels not working on particular devices. This level uses a large number of moveable blocks, particularly sliders, and I wonder if it is a memory issue. I develop and play on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A. In Mekorama terms the large sub structures are very heavy and require multiple sliders to overcome friction.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Again, another one of your absolutely magnificent masterpieces that unfolds into such beautiful sculpture. Thank you for including the vs as I needed a couple of pointers on how to collect the stars as I was determined to do it the long way. Awesome fun and a great challenge:thumbsup:
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