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Soohaeib Afeef Hosen

Thwarted Revolt

*: We need to act fast to protect the lab from the bomb threat. B: I'll infiltrate rebels, gain trust by stealing files, and find the bomb, but I'll need to take a hit. ― Sure about this risky plan? ― Confident. ― Just be careful. We're counting on you to stop the uprising.

Thwarted Revolt
Soohaeib Afeef Hosen, Apr 14, 2024
delator77, JojoIII and EL797 like this.
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      • Elevated Eyes
      • Claustrophobia
      • Autopilot
      • SSS
      This level is lengthy :sneaky:. Please be mindful of the Zappers and ZR, and handle the balls with care :D.
      Also, please inform me how you finished :). Good luck ;)!

    • Rating:
      Quite confusing looking level. Didn’t use the second trick and played safe by not pushing one ball as I wasn’t sure if B could catch it in time but was probably the designed finish.
    • ridgerunner
      I see how the designed finish works now although the ball does not always roll far enough.
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Oops, sorry I wrote Hercules Push as second trick but it was actually Autopilot to push 2 balls from the left of the card :p. I've edited my comment. :rolleyes:
    • Valentin
      I don’t know why it took me one day to understand the first move … It’ll take some time for me to go to the win ?!
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      @Valentin, Claustrophobia effect is simple and you can use it for extra speed in case B cannot push the ball to reach final star ;). Also this will try to force you to get zapped by ZRs :sneaky:.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Cool design:thumbsup: and interesting tricks gameplay :sneaky:. Thank you ;)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Daunting looking level. I didn't use the first trick. My end may be very different from intended, or perhaps not. o_O

      I used SSS at the lower corner of the level on the card. Then I sent B from right to left over the automatic slider as it elevates, which makes B jump in the gutter. Then a well timed (luckily!!) mid-air tap made be go on the level edge. I could then sent B to the last star to get zapped and roll on the star.

      But I also see a possibility to use autopilot from the left high wall, using timing to avoid zappers, and a big drop of B.

      Which is the intended solution?
    • Block builder
      Btw, I never saw...

      the top ball of the two on the left. The central mechanism worked with 3 balls. One from the left wall, and two from the right.

      Would love a solution video on this one. ;)
    • Rating:
      Good looking design & fun tricky gameplay... thanks @Soohaeib Afeef Hosen ;)
      I did not use elevated eyes & B died rolling on the ball to take the last star
      uuhhmm, I also would like to see he intended solution movie :rolleyes:
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      I've added the video solution with all the possibilities I've placed :sneaky:. @Block builder, the 4th ball is for extra stability to the central mechanism and also if you mishandle a ball. Also I didn't see whether autopilot from left high wall is possible. :rolleyes:. Thank you all for playing ;).
    • Block builder
      @Soohaeib Afeef Hosen thanks for the video, it makes things clear.

      I had some more fun with your level and found this "no balls" solution. :D Some of these moves are unstable, especially the final autopilot. B can fall in a bad place in the pit, and the motor near the end makes it difficult for B to move there.

    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
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    Apr 14, 2024
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