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Spell Book

This is a demo for a new kind of adventure ...

Spell Book
    • Valentin
      @delator77 and @Cullins Sorry. Can't stop writing :)
      It is true that at some point I realized that there was some differences between the built-in numbers. Then ... I have been lazy and didn't want to re-draw them (Sigh) So I created the 0-to-9-digits bonus, to make you forgive me.
      ... And then I created some other numbers with rails (in the tree) ?! Now guessing the numbers is part of the game :rolleyes: -but it shouldn't be!-
    • Rating:
      Thank you for putting this in Notable Levels, @cimarronline. I'm sure it will be enjoyed for a very long time! :D
    • Chris Hester
      Can I make a request? I liked the design of "The Book" level, but there was no gameplay or B to move. I was hoping I could explore the cool building and find a star or two. Could you make it into a full level?
    • MekoMole
      I have still to finish this but echo the flood of well deserved praise it has received. An enormous amount of work and the concept is mind blowing. It would be fantastic if the app designers could add a new type of win block which automatically performed your inspired combination of numbers and spoilers. In the meantime you have opened up the vision of a dizzying array of possibilities. Thank you for sharing this tour de force.
    • Valentin
      @Chris Hester Hello. Actually, B is present in "The end..." though not visible at first (because he's coming from downstairs!), but it is true there is no gameplay. Just a room to cross and a book to take ( :rolleyes: if he could).
      For the rest, I will answer in the specific thread...
    • Valentin
      @MekoMole Thank you very much ! The way you (and others) see a future to all this makes me very happy :)
      I will discuss your idea in the dedicated thread.
      See you !

      ps. I played "La gazza ladra" yesyerday : I'm jealous of your tree :D
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Wow, almost missed this one! I'm glad a comment of @Denis Nazin pointed me to this. It has been a wonderful adventure. You have great creativity, and this must have taken a lot of time.

      I managed to go straight to the end. :confused: Didn't even notice that I had found the book. Was just playing to reach numbers. :rotf: I did write down things that stood out to me in the levels:

      • The clouds in "The End ..." and other levels are very creative.
      • Had to play "The End ..." on my phone.
      • "Bucket Bottom" is hilarious.
      • In "The Pond" I almost didn't notice the path continued, but then I missed a dead-end message.
      • "In the Forest" is just a pleasant level.
      • "The Black Rock" is an impressive and beautiful castle. And a very good level on its own. It would get five stars on its own!
      • Love the land map!
      • I have no idea where the number for "Message in the Clouds" should be read. o_O
      Overall, this was amazing. Thanks for the wonderful work in this original idea.
    • Valentin
      Thank you @Block builder for your sweet comments ! And happy that you didn't miss the game :)

      My answers :
      - Yes, "The end..." is very vertical. Not very suitable for computer screen. I didn't think about that.
      - I had no idea Bucket Bottom" could be funny. I'm very happy to hear about it :D
      - The "0", the "15" and the ambiguity between "015" and "150" (in the Pond) is not the best idea I had ?!
      - The following "Top of the tree" and the "1,3,2,9-clouds" leading to the Message in the clouds are not very clear either... Sorry.
      - The black rock was a level I had in draft and that I finished to put in the Spell Book. Cool if you liked it !
      - Thanks for the map : it took me some time, indeed !
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