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Denis Nazin

Free run length

Demo and small cunning gameplay.

Free run length
Denis Nazin, Feb 13, 2024
    • Denis Nazin
      This small gameplay demo is dedicated to the interesting mekorama effect. @Meko Guy and I accidentally discovered this in my previous level and did some research.
      @Meko Guy also prepared a level with this effect, so I think this demo will be useful to familiarize yourself and better understand this effect before you go through a more difficult level @Meko Guy

      - one autopilot,
      - a little timing
      - and a quick start (not very fast:rotf:;)). There are two methods (very similar), in the second method you need to freeze R and then there is no need for timing.
      In order for B to run again for a very VERY long time, you need to block the exit to the white field and endless emptiness with anything!
      Block the exit to the white field using the R bot. Then B can do a long autopilot. But be fast - because R moves without stopping and you need to make it while he is on the stairs or gets off the stairs but is still blocking the passage to the white field. As long as he blocks the passage B will be able to run a long distance!!!
      Important information!
      B will not be able to run 20 or more blocks if he is next to an open staircase into the void.
      B can run a maximum of 101 blocks with a low ceiling effect!
    • Denis Nazin
    • Meko Guy
      @Denis Nazin - I didn't read any of your text as I shouldn't need to and I have no idea what to do so to me the level is not intuitive at all. The worst part is it takes so l o o n n n n g g g g to get the bots to the middle to see what might happen so I just got bored.
    • Meko Guy
      I read your hint and then I knew what to do. I proceeded and I obviously miss tapped due to the speediness of the move as B didn't make it all the way but B was much closer. Now I see it but I didn't try again - supper is calling
    • Labyrenight
      This is interesting. According to your explanation (101 blocks), then R is not needed there, right.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Meko Guy There is no need to lead the bots anywhere, this is a very short (not counting the autopilot) and simple level. Red bricks are needed for Demo. I explained everything in great detail and showed it in the comments. This is one of those DEMO levels!!! in which the most valuable things are concentrated in the comments! I spend a lot of effort on translation and demonstration in order to convey important information to everyone (on the contrary, I don’t like it when the author does something incomprehensible and does not explain, “guess it for yourself”). I do things differently! I always explain in detail and clearly. That's why the most valuable things are in the comments! This is not a level to show that “I’m Cool” , NO! This is a level to convey to everyone the knowledge that I understand and can explain. That's why the most valuable thing in the comment;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Labyrenight R needed! Because 101 blocks do not reach the win block!)) This is just another demonstration - you can try a low ceiling - B will reach exactly the second red brick. But he won’t be able to reach victory without the help of R!
      But I already made a second demo level with a low ceiling and this effect. I'll publish it tomorrow. But I can't wait to show it to you, my friend! That's why I'll send it to you now in a private message;)
    • Labyrenight
      @Denis Nazin but I can win without R, just tap on the 9th block in front of B.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Labyrenight Ha-ha-ha!:rotf::rotf::rotf:) Of course! You're absolutely right!)) Why didn't I think of that. Super! Well done;):thumbsup::cool:

      This is an experimental demo level. Therefore, it doesn’t matter to me that there are several ways to win. The important thing is that we discuss and find interesting things in mekorama, and we experiment and find something new together - this is the most important thing! I love it very much. For this, thank you SO MUCH! You have added to the knowledge about this effect and we have found another interesting aspect. Thank you my friend!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

      P.S. Try to win using R - it's also interesting:sneaky:;)
    • Block builder
      Goofy demo. I like it. :D
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Thank you:D:rotf:;), there will be another Demo tomorrow. Very similar to this. But the main effect there is a low ceiling. I found a very interesting law - "low ceiling limit". I'll tell you tomorrow, it will be interesting...:sneaky:
    • Labyrenight
    • Denis Nazin
      @Meko Guy and I found an explanation for this!! I will now try to explain it to you clearly:
      The B bot has potential (embedded by the mekorama program) - the B bot has some very large but still limited number of possible movement options. if he has limitations in the potentially possible set of routes, then due to the limitation of capabilities, his small number of routes is longer!!! But! When we open a path to white space for the B bot, it has an infinite number of potential routes. because of this, the length of these routes is sharply reduced.
      This is the conclusion we came to - it is quite logical and from the point of view of programming the game and the potential of B in the game (which was laid down at the programming level when creating the game) it quite reasonably explains this behavior of B;)
    • Labyrenight
      @Denis Nazin If it's about programming, that's not my area.

      If it's about B's behavior, I think I can understand it from your explanation.

      But what I want to ask and know is that blocks that are far apart from the path or route can influence B's behavior (?)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Labyrenight I don't know the answer to your question (I'll have to experiment).
      But I've definitely established a pattern that will be of interest to you:
      The length of route B depends in direct proportion to how far it is from the stairs leading into the white space!!
      1) The CLOSER B is to the stairs, the shorter the length of its run.
      2) The farther B is from the stairs, the longer the length of his run.
      This is not a completely linear relationship! Sometimes it gives an error, but overall the progression works!! Here's the demo:
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