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The Launch

A launch is always a result of an elaborate sequence. Let B go to the stars...

The Launch
Mark69, Feb 9, 2024
Sammy 5, cimarronline and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Wow! what a great design of the launch... I spent a time thinking about the sequence of the actions but it was worth it, without a doubt :sneaky:... thanks for sharing @Mark69 ;) GREAT JOB, yes sir!
      Mark69 likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      Did not have time to say much before. The design reminded me of a James Bond set although the method of encouraging B to board didn’t leave much scope for a last minute change of plan.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      That's a big mechanism to board the astronaut. :D Fun mechanisms!
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      It's very nice to meet you.;)
      I really love original, non-standard levels:D. I especially love levels where the role of B is minimized and the gameplay is original (because such levels are more difficult to come up with and there are very few of them on the forum). This is just your level. Great idea, great level mechanics. I enjoyed it, thank you. 5 from me!:thumbsup:
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Mark69
    • Mark69
      @Block builder Thank you! :) After making the hidden part of the level, I discovered a thing I didn't know (or maybe I forgot, since my main activity was several years ago) that is B can't be move by tap when he's over the upper part of the 16x16x16 grid. This lead move to recover how many space I could, downgrading a large part of the roof in order to make space to the lift part of the mechanism. And I availed some element of one of my previous level ("Meccano") ;). A big effort not planned in advance but, at the end, I'm happy about final result. :)
    • Mark69
      @Denis Nazin Really thank you! :) I always tried in the past to realize unconventional levels, also trying to insert almost one surprising element, sometimes succeeding in it. But, since I took a look to some of your levels (soon I tried to complete them) I'm very surprise and happy to receive the congratulations from a so amazing designer :)
    • Blue Tower
      I found two solutions which may or may not be intended
      I went on the end of the large rotating platform, deployed the rocket and slammed B into said rocket. Didn't use the mechanisms outside.

      Same thing, but carefully rotated the platform so that B snaps on the metal half pillar on its end. I then configured the mechanism to push B into the rocket.
    • Mark69
      @Blue Tower Tests at the end of design indicated that Solution 1 could be only a casual mode to reach the goal. Solution 2 always leads B to the star. That’s what determines the intended solution. I have to say that, personally, when I try to solve a level I’m so envolved to understand the logic that lead the designer to dispose the various elements and mechanisms into the level that I don’t seek for shortcuts. Much more when a level has a clear and declared storyline. Seeking shortcuts to find the fastest way to solve a level, maybe aiming to individuate lack of designing, is not my objective since decrease my fun. But for who, instead, fun is mainly finding the way to finish a level with the lowest number of moves, maybe after several trials to perform a casual move that lead to the final block, well, solution 1 is for them. :)
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      My rating. This is actually a well-designed and fun level, especially the mechanisms (even if it jammed a bit). Thanks for sharing @Mark69
    • Mark69
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Really fun exploration level and totally enjoyed watching the rocket get ready for lift off!:thumbsup:
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