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Patience Puzzle

This one takes time to finish. Small risk of dying, but you might be thrown backwards a number of times. If you're impatient you might get lucky. Or have to restart.

Patience Puzzle
FabianS, Jun 14, 2016
MomoKeego and Third Gacal like this.
    • Rating:
      One star off for the fd that can get the win. Otherwise, it's interesting to explore. There's no obvious path, so I had B making some risky moves to get where access to the win was possible. Did that by getting him to the white space and then an autopilot to get in the right area. The fd came in handy to push him around. :D
    • AVC
      This is great. Challenging and slightly demented. Excellent mechanics. Fabian levels never disappoint!
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    Levels created by fabian
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    Jun 14, 2016
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