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There’s a star under ball No. 2

Valentin, Jan 30, 2024
    • Valentin
      Let’s assume there is a little randomness in the way the files fall. In some occasion, you might get stuck. You may also find a way by insisting and forcing ?!?! Who knows.

      ps. Don’t let the balls obstruct the path !

      EDIT A very good Video Solution has been made by @Soohaeib Afeef Hosen . Here is the link :
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I really love unconventional ideas, especially if they are well thought out and work stability:thumbsup:. Great idea and great implementation. That's why the length of the gameplay is absolutely not important to me. From me 5. Thank you;)
    • Chris Hester
      I couldn't do it. I get 2 stars but the third is under the floor so it's impossible to take it. I tried moving the pieces below the hole where it falls down but they only move in one way.

      Great idea though, I really like it.

      Often B would get trapped inside too, surrounded by too many blocks, or end up ontop of a block where he can't move off.
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin Thanks dear ! Could you find the method ( or a method) on your first try ??

      @Chris Hester Hello Chris, for that 2nd ball you need
      to run at the point the ball will hit the ground. Go fast because you need to perform that action after you did pretty much the same thing for the first ball… Therefore you should be in good position to go the 3rd and last central ball
      After all it is a question of timing :D

      Thanks, friends !
    • Rating:
      Very fun domino with nice timing :sneaky: thanks for sharing @Valentin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Valentin On the second try. The first game I just enjoyed the process and watched how everything worked;)

      P.S. After reading the comments, I thought.... Because it seems to me that my victory is much easier than that of other players. I don’t see any problems at all and I don’t need any timing. Because I always win in ONE CLICK!:rotf:. Here's my victory;):
    • cimarronline
      @Chris Hester To get that second star...
      I just put B right under the second ball before it fell. It landed on B's eye and then rolled and got the first star too.
    • Rating:
      The falling domino effect looked great.
    • Valentin
      @delator77 Thanks a lot ! Even it seems that timing is unnecessary for some people

      @Denis Nazin … How could you ?! … Ah ah ah ! … Strike ! :cool:kay, can we agree that you’ve been most lucky ? Anyway, this way to win is so cool, thanks for the video. I - of course - tried your move while testing but I never had your result :cry::eek::rolleyes:o_O:)

      @cimarronline Thanks for playing and commenting

      @ridgerunner Most happy that you liked the effect too (I had such a game as a kid)
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin I've just tried the one-click method several times (20, actually) : success one time.
      The propability of a complete win is then 5%. Now we know :p !
    • Chris Hester
      I tried the @Denis Nazin approach first but the ball just rolled into a corner and I could not get the star.

      Then just now I tried standing underneath the second ball - it worked! I then got the middle ball pushing blocks away. But there was no way to reach the third ball. Even if I could it would not be possible to take the star.

      I noticed something interesting - if you click on a space just before the dominoes start to fall B goes into autopilot and can push whole blocks away as he moves!
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      This is just a cool level. First time just observe, second time an easy win. Like the title, especially when read as "domi...... noooooo!".
    • Valentin
      @Chris Hester You’re absolutely right. In fact, you could say « micro-autopilot needed » … At some corner, sometimes you have to insist a little to go through.
      Now that you have the method for the 2nd ball (the most difficult one) there is no way you couldn’t go for a complete win … with a little luck (due to the randomness of some dominos, you may need to restart ) ?!

      ps. Denis’ method works for 5% of case, from my observations ?!
    • Valentin
      @Block builder Thanks !
      I must admit that a great part of the pleasure I have in Mekorama is in finding titles.
      Yeeeeeeeees, the way you read that level is the intended one :D
    • Block builder
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