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L-a B-y R-inth

Don’t fall from bots !

L-a B-y R-inth
Valentin, Jan 28, 2024
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      In my opinion, this is an original level and you calculated the movement trajectories of all the bots very well. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, I see a lot of work in calculating the trajectory of all the bots and the correct placement of the stars. Therefore, I believe that this level and your work deserves 5. Thank you;)

      P.S. And by the way, I forgot to say - a very creative name for the level! I loved the title and the double meaning!:thumbsup::D
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin
      Not so much, not so much :D but it is true that I like to experiment with bots choreography …
      Thanks !

      I must tell you that i tried to make a more complex copy of your rotating maze. I will send it to you if I manage to finish it ?! And meanwhile I will go and play your today level :)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      At first I saw chaos. Then intertwined square paths. Then a phase problem I was unable to solve. Now I solved it, but still don't know how I changed phase. The stars were so close and yet so far. And then they were all very close.
    • Valentin
      @Block builder You smelled the right spirit of the level. The same happened to me ;)
    • Rating:
      Fortunately to me my B fell just when he took the last star :D... this was a curious level cause it seems that tve challenge was taking the first star :sneaky: cause I don't know by what kind of witchcraft, once I took the first star, I took the others with astonishing ease :eek:... thanks for sharing & for the fun @Valentin ;)
    • Valentin
      @delator77 The same happened to me when I won my own level. Plenty of moves before a quick win. I guess there some logic behind the fact. But the truth is I displayed the stars randomly and I was happy of the result ;)
      Thanks !
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    Stupid little levels
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    Jan 28, 2024
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