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Meko Guy

Ride Sharing 3

A few tricks and some L behaviour is required

Ride Sharing 3
Meko Guy, Jan 26, 2024
ABDSMD mshl likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      - L turns left when L falls
      - L will not walk onto a second stair if there is nothing below the stairs
      - auto pilot
      - low ceiling
    • Rating:
      That was a tough level. My gameplay was totally different between 2:00 and 3:00 minutes. I missed the second autopilot of the level which was unfortunate as it was used several times. Too often in fact, as at 3.55 it is a straight walk to the finish but instead there was an extra autopilot in the video! Instead of the autopilot i missed, i used short pushes of the draggable to form the stack.
    • ridgerunner
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Unable to check the video right now - but will in the AM
    • ridgerunner
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Nice (easy - if I can say that) variations. Did you do the main auto pilot (onto L) at all as per the video at 12 seconds?

      EDIT - BTW, I wasn't trying to make it hard to get those stars in your videos above but show the intended game play. I'm not a fan of collecting stars still but if I can position them to help with the game play I will.
    • ridgerunner
      @Meko Guy..no , i never used the autopilot seen at 12 seconds. It’s a good one. Even the first one is not obvious due to presence of the step and the shape of the draggable.
    • Rating:
      ABDSMD mshl
      After pushing the first ball, I couldn't get B to go to the other side, so I tried pushing him with the draggable but most of the time he falls out of the level (I realize this is not the right move). So I watched the first seconds of the VS.
      My gameplay was a little different and long as i captured the two stars at 2:40 separately, but the APs were the same.
      at 3:57, B was riding R , you could just let L go ,the AP was unecessary.
      Thanks for sharing !
    • Meko Guy
      @ABDSMD mshl - First, thanks for playing, commenting and rating. To address your question, if B didn't mount L then how was the high star in the corner collected?
    • ABDSMD mshl
      @Meko Guy B was already riding R .
      Why get him down and make him ride R again using AP . You could just let him go.
    • Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      Excellent & challenging tricky level... reading my Meko-friends comments I was afraid that neither my gameplay was not the intended... & it wasn't... I took the highest star like the second video of @ridgerunner but as I had more differences I decided to record my way to show you... I recognise that my way has, I think, one risky step, that is, the way to put R on B in the beginning (I did not see your cool AP to put B onto R so I had to find an alternative gameplay with the opposite stack)... look at this...
      what do you think, my friend?:rolleyes:
      thanks for sharing & for the fun @Meko Guy ;)
    • Meko Guy
      @delator77 - Very nice indeed - BTW, your opening stack move, I already had made another level using that move so watch for it. Thanks for P, C and R.
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    Jan 26, 2024
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