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Denis Nazin

2 ball colors

No BOT level. Relax and enjoy)

2 ball colors
Denis Nazin, Jan 6, 2024
EL797, MekoMole and Chris Hester like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      This is an adaptation of a real hand game for mekorama[​IMG]
      This is an absolutely relaxing and enjoyable puzzle game for a change in the forum!
      goal of the game - sort the balls by color and click the win button!:D

      I really love real hand puzzles. I hope you enjoy it friends ;):D
    • Denis Nazin
      For gourmets of hand games made of real wood - I specially made another version with an imitation wooden body! Enjoy:
    • ridgerunner
      I have downloaded both levels and most openings have the coloured balls moving quickly onto the white. I presume this is not what is meant to happen.
    • ridgerunner
      Video of start
    • cimarronline
      @ridgerunner That happens with those (unreleased) yellow balls on iOS, but not on android. You could play it with the online app, if you want (yellow play button near the top of this page).
    • ridgerunner
      @cimarronline..thanks for the tip. Have never tried the play online option so will give it a go.
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner Yes, I remember your comment about my level - "Exclusive". You wrote the same thing there. As far as I know you play on a tablet. Most likely, non-standard blocks (yellow balls) behave very strangely on the tablet. Therefore, such levels are unfortunately not suitable for a tablet.
      But @cimarronline offered you a good option (alternative) - to play directly on the forum. Here on the forum, yellow balls behave exactly like regular balls. This is a good alternative. Thank you ;):thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      I won with the online version. I am not cut out for these type of levels as i seemed to lose track of what i was doing and have to stop and thing again. And my habit of over pushing and flipping a ball over its neighbour was very annoying when all i had to do was move the final three balls to the crossing area. Another 10 minutes to sort that out.
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner Thank you very much for the fact that despite the difficulties you still played my level.
      I agree with you about the balls. I wanted to make a rail barrier on top. But! There is a big problem with mekorama - it's shadow!! The balls were very black from the shadow (soot). Therefore, I had to lift the balls into the air and abandon the rail stopper (which prevented the balls from jumping out of the body). These are the features of adapting live games into mekorama - unfortunately, you always have to sacrifice something. For convenience, I made the balls lighter and hoped that the players would push more carefully. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you!!!
    • Rating:
      Kanchan yadav
      यह सिर्फ देखने के लिए था, यह मजेदार था, मुझे यह पसंद आया। This was just for viewing, I enjoyed it, I liked the design, yours is always the best, what can I say?
    • Rating:
      Very fun & realistic hand game... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU my friend. Yes, I really love real logic hand-games. When I saw this game I immediately wanted to do it in mekorama. I love the variety of styles and ideas in mekorama. That's why sometimes I make levels like this without bots for variety. This game, in my opinion, is very well suited for this and I enjoyed making it. It’s very good that yellow balls exist (they are more difficult to make, but it’s possible). But the most difficult thing at this level was moving the balls in a circle. I tried a lot of different mechanisms. But in the end, the best mechanism is the simplest one. But for it to work well, it took a long time to test and select blocks for the floor under the mechanism so that the balls would roll steadily in one direction. I had to work hard:confused::rotf:;). Thank you SO MUCH :thumbsup::D
    • Rating:
      My iPhone app doesn't work well with yellow balls, they just flew away. But I could play it in this page. It was fun to play as well as real hand game. Nice idea and design!
    • Shroomir
      I made two moves and won. I'm guessing that it is not the intended way?
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    Jan 6, 2024
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