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A 3D maze/puzzle thingymabob. Climb stuff, move things, collect stars, stand on the red dot, you know the drill. Have fun. Oh, and the optimiser was being weird, so I optimised the QR code myself, hope it works fine.

Marv, Dec 27, 2023
EL797 and delator77 like this.
    • Marv
      This level is one of my horcruxes.
      What I mean is, you know how when you're designing a regular old 2D maze, if it's tricky enough you'll get lost in it yourself and forget what the plan was? Well, this lasted me 3 days, I spent 3 days stuck in that ****** tetrahedron, and left a chunk of my dark dark soul in there too. ;'D
    • Valentin
      But it was worth it !
      You can have a rest thinking you made a nice 3d maze.
      A couple of years ago I started to make such a maze plenty of stairs figuring a large diamond. But your design is much more beautiful … and you managed to finish it :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
      Marv likes this.
    • Marv
    • delator77
      @Marv Hi! I have a doubt... tbe path is logical or tricks are needed? & if tricks are not needed maybe a little push with a draggable? this 3D maze seems a bit difficult...
    • Marv
      @delator77 there's no tricks required, I'm not sure i actually know any Mekorama tricks, and there's no pushing of b-bot required. :'D
    • delator77
      @Marv thanks my friend, I will try to find the clean way :D
      Marv likes this.
    • Marv
      @delator77 good luck. I'll post a walk-through, probably in about 3 days time :'D
      Once you've cracked it, it was simple all along. I did throw in a few red herrings (unmovable copper blocks/stairs)
    • delator77
      @Marv buff, after more than a half an hour I only was able to take the star in the inside so I will wait to your solution movie to check the intended path... I am really curious
      Marv likes this.
    • delator77
      @Marv OMG... I can not believe that I did not see the intended path... was quite easy... my bad... sorry I can not rate cause I did not complete it... what a shame :unsure:
      Marv likes this.
    • Marv
      Thanks for playing it.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Very cool idea and design. But I decided to take a shortcut with autopilot. Sorry, I don't have a lot of free time, so I decided to quickly go through your level to evaluate your idea. I think you did a great job and I want to appreciate it. 5 from me. Thank you. Very original design;)
      Marv likes this.
    • Marv
      @Denis Nazin I'm glad you liked it.
      What's autopilot? I've seen terms like this going around and have assumed they were cheats or hacks. How can a designer avoid their use?
    • Marv
      @Denis Nazin here's how its done without autopilot etc.

    • delator77
      @Marv After my incompetence yesterday ruining your level I have read your comment and if you allow me I will answer you... the autopilot is (probably) the most common and famous trick of Mekorama... its operation is very simple: as you well know there are places that B can go and others cannot... well, with autopilot B can reach those places that in principle he cannot... but sure that with a video you will understand easier... I made the level of the video one day when I was bored and it could serve as an autopilot tutorial...I don't know how to create but I think it's a worthy tutorial,don't you think?:D...you'll see that B can't reach the win block...or yes? :rolleyes: look at this...
      hope it helps you ;)
    • Marv
      @delator77 thanks for this. That's very odd! I can see it is essentially taking b-bots preprogrammed path and subverting it, making him think he's going along a path but then moving the path. And he acts like he was going to anyway. Oh, I don't like this whatsoever!! But yes, your tutorial is a good example. Thank you.
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