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Shifaq ACG

Small Puzzle

Play this level. Long confuse.

Small Puzzle
Shifaq ACG, Dec 17, 2023
Mr.Dezba likes this.
    • Shifaq ACG
      This is my 1st Puzzle.
      So, Any Problems in my Level ? or Any Advise to my Level ? Please Tell.
    • Shifaq ACG
      • Please try my puzzle.
      • If you can't complete it, put a message in the comments.
      • I'll send the spoiler soon ...
    • Rating:
      It is a good first level. I liked the design. The gameplay was easy although the moves by pillarL over the manhole draggable were out of keeping with the rest of the level.
      ACG likes this.
    • Rating:
      Hi & welcome... interesting design although I did not understand the reason of make the roof as a big draggable instead of with the regular blocks... the gameplay was quite easy but hey, is your first level, so you can learn & do more challenging levels... I add a star to encourage you on your first effort... thanks for sharing @ACG ;)
      ACG likes this.
    • Mr.Dezba
      Is this small puzzle o_O ? . Little tough for me :D . Nice idea keep it up .
      ACG likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Welcome to the forum! You've made a beautiful first level. I like the design and I like the light up roof. The gamer is simple, but I think it’s very good for the first level - well done. The only thing I want to advise you is not to use a slider for the bots to walk. At level L, your bot must go through the slider to get a star, it gets stuck there, this is not correct. This is the only inconvenience. I liked everything else. Thank you!;)
      ACG likes this.
    • Shifaq ACG
    • Shifaq ACG
      How to get a Star on the up Stone ?

      The blue Robot with Metal Pillar is walking in the Stone.
      If you didn't see the blue Robot with Metal Pillar as First , the Robot will fall in the Draggable Pillar & turn around in the Draggable Pillar .
      When the Robot is turning Left ⬅️ , pull the Draggable up slightly .
      Now the Robot is getting up.
      Then, pull up the Draggable straight to the Star ⭐ way . So, you can get the ⭐.

      The blue Robot with Metal Pillar is walking in the Stone.
      When the Robot is walking in the Draggable , pull the Draggable with Robot to the top immediately.
      Then, pull the Draggable up & down slightly & press the Robot against to the top of the roof slowly till the Robot has fallen.
      When the Robot is falling , the Robot is touching the Star⭐ . So, you can get the ⭐.

      The blue Robot with Metal Pillar is walking in the Stone.
      When the Robot is walking in the Draggable , pull the Draggable with Robot to the top immediately.
      Then, pull the Draggable up & down slightly & press the Robot against to the top of the roof slightly.
      ( Note : When decay the Robot slightly , The Robot is not walking & the Robot is turn around in the same place. )
      When the Robot is turning Left ⬅️ , pull down the Draggable straight to the Star ⭐ way immediately.
      The Robot is walking & touching the Star⭐ . So, you can get the ⭐.
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    Dec 17, 2023
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