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Block builder

Xmas factory

It’s almost Christmas. Santa’s helpers are still busy decorating the tree, while the sled should have been out already. The presents aren’t even loaded yet! Please help get this done quickly.

Xmas factory
Block builder, Dec 19, 2016
MomoKeego, Adiorama, HackedUp and 3 others like this.
    • Block builder
      @ridgerunner Let B wait inside the wall. When the cylinder slider goes up, tap B around at the speed of the mixer. If the slider comes down before you reached the ball and exit stairs, just make an extra round in the mixer. Think beforehand how you want to rotate the camera and where you want to tap. Hope this helps.
    • delator77
      @nGord I was seeing comments of levels that I liked and suddenly I found your comment ... sure? And if it is not a question of timing how then? I am intrigued ...:oops:
      nGord likes this.
    • Block builder
      @delator77 It's matter of sending B to the right spot for the last trick. Hint: the level contains a hint. Often red brick is used for hints, but as the whole building is red brick, I used something else.
    • delator77
      @Block builder maybe any element with another color ?;)...Now I'm at work...then I'll try it!!
    • delator77
      @Block builder Buff, I give up ... I tried several things but none works:confused: ... And that frustrates me a lot jajaja ... but I need to know how to do it and learn something more ... please send me a spoiler ... If not, today I do not sleep:rolleyes:
    • Block builder
      @delator77 Hahaha. Well let me give you a spoiler then.
      Send B towards the metal block above the sled.
      Btw, you mentioned timing before. You do realize you can hold the sled in place right? It would be extremely difficult otherwise. :confused: Just use the draggable you also use to release the sled.
    • delator77
      @Block builder Jajaja you will not believe it but I just got it before reading the spoiler:D ... I did not want to give up and I kept insisting and suddenly voila !!! By the way, I do not know if it's because I do not write well in English but I think There has been a misunderstanding because I knew how to stop the sled (with the same draggable that freed it) and was still able to put in the driver's seat B in a much more complicated way:sneaky: .... but that's another story .. .. thanks my friend for helping me !!! we will continue enjoying!!!;)
    • Block builder
      @delator77 Your English is fine, it's just that you mention timing before (long time ago). Kudos for solving and retrying it!
    • delator77
      @Block builder
      The timing thing I have to clarify ... I believed that B had to use the independent draggable that goes up and down automatically and that B had to get jump into the driver's seat and I tried using the @DEVIL's trick in "leap of Faith 1 and 2" where B flies ... you know, B takes strength on a route, hits a wall and with that force B is able to" fly "... well, with this technique B was able to jump to the Sled from the moving draggable but not to the driver's seat until I finally got it ... that's what I was talking about when I mentioned the timing .... buff, I do not know if I explained well but it's complicated to do by this way ehhh ???:p
    • Block builder
      @delator77 Do you mean Crazy Jump Trick? I can see it's use to jump from that lift to the sled, so it was a good thought, but difficult.
    • delator77
      @Block builder Yesssssss, believe me,very difficult to put B in the driver's seat using this trick but I did it jajaja I'll never try this never jajaja....obviously the intended way is much easier...What a way to complicate me!!A very pleasant talk .... we are still in touch!!!:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Very fun level. But I'm late for Christmas:(:D
    • nGord
      @hadi - It would be great if you could qualify how the level was amazing. Also, if it was amazing, why would you rate it only 4 stars?
    • nGord
      Yes, I fully appreciate how ratings are personal. It's just that your rating here is confusing so I asked for some clarification. If your friends said "amazing" and you rated only 4-stars, then perhaps your friends should create accounts in this forum and rate for themselves. And then you can use words that reflect your opinions and justify your rating - instead of mixing the two.
    • nGord
      Furthermore, I'm of the stance that if several people before you all thought that the level was amazing and rated it with 5 stars and your opinion happens to differ, then both the creator and all the other raters would be interested to know how and why your opinion differs. You have an absolute right to your opinion and I support it whatever it may be. I'm simply asking you to expand on your rating so that we all understand better your opinion. This helps you, the creator, and all the other players too.
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    Dec 19, 2016
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