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Feta grodox gr0



Feta grodox gr0, Nov 3, 2023
delator77 likes this.
    • Rating:
      That was tough. The downhill rolling budgeable was the bit i found hardest.
    • Rating:
      Lked this kind of "stressful" levels so I enjoyed it... as @ridgerunner says the rolling budgeable part was the hardest, in fact, I was not able to pass this part cleanly, I mean, as the budgeable took speed while rolling, my B always fell when B started in the middle of budgeable (if B fell from the middle, fell to the ground) ... so I put B in the left corner of the budgeable, started rolling & when I noticed that B was starting to fall, tap on the budgeable so B followed the budgeable-a kind of autopilot- & in the end B completed that part... a bit weird, right?:rolleyes: I wanted to see B cleanly rolling happily on the budgeable all its way but I couldn't :oops:... but as B is a ninja,he has a lot of resources :sneaky: thanks for sharing @Feta grodox gr0 ;)
    • ridgerunner
      @delator77 . I never found a tidy gameplay for B either. I used fast tapping without moving B. Might be the same as you.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      This kind of stress is the right sort of intensity. It generates a level of focus. The budgable needs the right velocity. Too slow and it stops, too fast and B drops. First time I reached the last part, I was impatient. Second time I did not anticipate the low ceiling, but I tapped in time to make B continue. This was a nice challenge!
    • delator77
    • Valentin
      I’m a genius.
      Each time I tried the level, I won.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Cool level of timing:thumbsup:. This is not my style and not my genre:rolleyes:, but I decided to try:sneaky:. I liked all the obstacles except the slide! Just like all the other participants, my Bot fell a lot of times! This caused a lot of unnecessary restarts:confused:. All other obstacles also required a restart, but all of them can be learned to do (trained and performed more consistently:sneaky:). Only the slide is a lottery:confused::rotf:. Finally I got lucky and won:cool:. The level is really cool, so I won’t lower the rating for the slide. But please, in the future, take into account the wishes of the players. Thank you;)
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    Nov 3, 2023
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