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Denis Nazin

Z-Auto pilot

Trick level! Need Autopilot and timing

Z-Auto pilot
Denis Nazin, Oct 23, 2023
XiaoFeixia, MekoMole and EL797 like this.
    • Rating:
      Karen 2.0
      Great level, good mix of timing/logic and tricks. Thanks for sharing my friend ;)
    • Mc Molco
      happy to see the trick
    • Denis Nazin
      @Karen 2.0 Oh, Thank you, thank you very VERY much my friend :D:thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • MekoMole
      As you know @Denis Nazin I am useless at autopilot so I retire defeated. An interesting level especially the make up of the zapper bots which adds a new dimension to the gameplay. I always enjoy watching your videos even if I don't or can't play, there is always something new and interesting. Thanks for sharing.

      Как вы знаете, @Denis Nazin Я бесполезен на автопилоте, поэтому ухожу побежденным. Интересный уровень, особенно наличие ботов-запперов, которые добавляют игровому процессу новое измерение. Всегда с удовольствием смотрю ваши видео, даже если не играю или не умею играть, всегда есть что-то новое и интересное. Спасибо, что поделился.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole Yes, I know that you don't play levels with tricks. At this level there is an additional difficulty - timing.
      Nevertheless, I am very glad that you still watch my videos and leave your comments (always very pleasant for me!!). I'm glad that it's not in vain that I make videos and players watch them. Thank you, thank you SO MUCH my friend!!:D:D:D
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    Oct 23, 2023
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