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Garden Stairs

Something shines and catches my attention at the top of that house. I need to see it up close. They say there is a secret in the garden. I will check.

Garden Stairs
Jamal, Oct 18, 2023
    • Rating:
      Good logic with a beautiful design. I enjoyed figuring this one out but the last star trick(that you mentioned last in the tips spoiler) kind of ruin the game. Some might not know what happen there as they didn't do anything and B's path is blocked! I thought I was wrong somewhere with the logic order but turns out it was a start trick... Still a 5star though.
      Jamal likes this.
    • Denis Nazin
      Is this correct gameplay??o_O
      You wrote a lot of tips about those parts of the level where, in my opinion, everything is obvious and understandable. But you haven’t written a single hint on how B to get to the main ball that triggers the “stairs” mechanism! For me this was the biggest problem! Since this is your third level - I thought for a very long time how to solve this without tricks (since this is only the third level and you did not indicate a list of tricks!) I lost a lot of time:confused:. Then I thought about simple tricks. But there is no simple solution for me. I used two difficult professional tricks:
      1) To get on the red carpet - “slider freeze with a side shift into the hole” I tried "directly" away many times - but I can’t do it:confused:.
      2) to get on the slider next to the main ball, I use either BB or “auto-saw fall - crouch” (very inconvenient:confused:, this can be seen in the video).
      and two more tricks, but these two tricks do not require professional skills from the player:
      3) low ceiling
      4) elevator eye
      These are all professional tricks and I absolutely did not expect that they would be needed. Therefore, I spent a very VERY long time searching for a clean solution without tricks. I really hope that I’m wrong and that there is still a pure logical solution without tricks!
    • Jamal
      @ohmytianHello. Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you liked my level. Sorry about the problem in the hallway. Next time I'll leave more tips.
    • Jamal
      @Denis Nazin Thank you very much for your attention to my level. Your solution is not correct. The ball that activates the stairs must be pushed by R. B must help put R in the right direction, and then just move the dragable, and R will reach the ball.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      This level definitely deserves a 5!
      1) Very beautiful design
      2) Interesting idea
      3) Excellent and very stable mechanisms
      4) Interesting and challenging gameplay
      Excellent level and of course 5 from me!

      The only problem is that I spent a lot of time looking for a clean way without tricks. Because this is your third level and because you did not indicate that the level is with tricks. I don’t have much free time now, so I’m upset that I wasted a lot of time.
      Therefore, my big request to you, dear author, is to indicate a list of tricks, or at least simply indicate “level without tricks” or “level with tricks”. This is one single request.
      Otherwise the level is SUPER:thumbsup:! Thank you;)
      1) autopilot + freeze slider
      2) low ceiling
      3) stop star
      4) eye elevator
      and R's walking style (from the stairs R can walk onto an impassable block) is not a trick, but you absolutely don't expect it from beginners either! Most likely you are far from a beginner, but I didn’t know that, I saw that this was only your third level!
    • Jamal
      @Denis Nazin Thank you for the feedback. This is the third level I posted, I have others that are not so good to post. I don't know the names of the tricks. But next time I'll research and make a list. Thanks for playing again and for the great review.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Jamal Thanks for understanding. This is quite common - many people don't know the names of all the tricks (especially since you use some not common tricks (such as the "stop star" - I once did a demo of this trick).
      Therefore, if you don’t know the name (this is quite normal), you just write “level with tricks!” This is enough for forum users to guess what tricks you are using (on one's own). Of course, the “list of tricks” is very welcome by all forum players. If you really want to but don’t know what they are called, you can describe it in your own words.
      The most important thing is to write a level with or without tricks. It is most important. The list of tricks is additional information at your request.;)
      Jamal likes this.
    • Chris Hester
      I spent time trying to do the trick with B in the water in @Denis Nazin 's first video and gave up. Now I see how it's done with R!

      Also I realised I always made a simple mistake! I pushed the ball at the start then wondered how to cross the gap in the round blocks. :rolleyes:
    • Jamal
      @Chris Hester Thank you for your efforts to solve this level. There was a mix-up with the robots. A list of tricks would definitely help with the solution. And thanks @Denis Nazin for posting a video solution and list of tricks. I appreciate everyone's attention at this level.
    • Chris Hester
      I tried again and got almost to the end. But when R came out of the water he went into a corner and literally stopped moving. I was unable to complete the level. :cry:
      Jamal likes this.
    • Jóh
      It's been a while since I played any levels. But I always take a look if there's anything interesting, and I was surprised by the number of comments. I read it and found it interesting to play your level. I was pleasantly surprised, its level is very beautiful and logical and everything works well. I agree with the other players, a list of tricks would help a lot. But with your tips I was able to complete the level.
      Jamal likes this.
    • Rating:
      And the rating is a well-deserved five stars.
      Jamal likes this.
    • Jamal
      @Chris Hester B needs to hold R so that he doesn't get stuck. See that R needs to go around the corner and B go through the door, so that B arrives before R and can hold on.
    • Jamal
      @Jóh I was very happy with your evaluation. Thank you very much for giving my level a chance.
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