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Spin the Top to full speed and collect the stars before momentum is lost. Occassionally it takes a little longer to drop, be patient or pause - your choice.

ArGee, Oct 18, 2023
delator77 likes this.
    • Rating:
      5 stars for the concept and design. At first I thought the play was completely random but, of course, it isn't and requires a technique. Ingenious. Thanks for sharing.
      ArGee likes this.
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      I was stuck at first until I wasn't. Then I managed to win by moving the base around. Clever design!
      Lali and ArGee like this.
    • ArGee
      @MekoMole, @Chris Hester, Thanks for playing, commenting and rating. :thumbsup:

      As you both spotted, the play is not random and is designed to allow just enough subtle control to direct star collection and win, without being too easy.

      During testing a random win occassionally occurred by just carrying out the first move and watching and waiting. I significantly reduced the chance of this happening by adding the win block. This means you have to steer the Top to avoid the win block until after you first collect the other stars, then win before momentum is lost.
    • ArGee
      Spin the Top and collect the stars in one game.
      1. Spin the Spinning Top by holding and pulling the Spin Engine above it. Don't let go.
      2. The engine will spin the Top to full speed where it will become unstable and drop onto the playing table below. Now you can let go.
      3. Gently lift and lower the playing table as needed to collect the stars and win.

      • If the Top spins to full speed and doesn't drop in a reasonable time, let go and spin again.
      • If the Top drops before full speed, or jumps out of bounds, restart the level.
    • Rating:
      What a cool level :cool: the kind of levels that sure @Denis Nazin likes, non-standard... I must say that I took two stars while spinning the top & the other one & the win moving the "death" top with the big draggable... so maybe I cheated a bit :rotf:... but I will achieve it soon in the intended way :sneaky:... thanks for sharing @ArGee ;) great job!
      MekoMole and ArGee like this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Unconventional gameplay is always good. Thank you!;):thumbsup:
      MekoMole and ArGee like this.
    • Rating:
      I had two winning gameplays. Firstly was a non spin version . The inactive spinner can be moved by a holding and drag of the base as opposed to tilting the base. Then i read the intro and tried spinning . Looks great and liked the action.
      Lali and ArGee like this.
    • ArGee
      Thanks for playing and commenting.

      It is possible to move the fallen top with the tray to get the win. I'd love to say that it is part of the design so players who couldn't get the intended win could still complete it :sneaky:... but alas, I can't claim that :unsure::):D.
    • Rating:
      I didn't spin anything to win lol. Short fun ;)
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