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The Falkirk Wheel

A no tricks expanding gameplay level. Logic and skill in manipulating free draggables required. Based on the Scottish visitor attraction The Falkirk Wheel. Design specification by @ridgerunner, built by @Mekomole.

The Falkirk Wheel
MekoMole, Oct 12, 2023
Sammy 5, Yusuf, delator77 and 3 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Oraintxe bertan youtube-ra joan naiz Falkirk gurpila errealitatean nolakoa den ikusteko, baita nola funtzionatzen duen ikusteko... beti bezela eta Mekoramaren mugak argi edukita, harrigarria da diseñuan egin duzun lana, benetan bikaiña... joko logikoa nahiko erraza izan da baiña horrelako diseñu baten aurrean, zer axola du horrek? eskerrikasko partekatzearren....
      Just now I went to youtube to see what the Falkirk wheel looks like in real life and how it works... as always and keeping the limits of Mekorama clear, the work you did on the design is amazing, really great... the logic game was quite simple but in front of a design like this, what does that matter? thanks for sharing @MekoMole ;)
    • MekoMole
      Thank you. Much of the credit should go to @ridgerunner who devised the concept and encouraged me to develop the idea. @ArGee has come up with some alternative ideas for the actual mechanism which are interesting but I will let the level stand as it is, it's day has come and gone.
      I agree with your comments regarding logic. My levels are primarily developed as entertainment but I do try to add logic where possible. I feel I am a reasonably logical person given my previous professional background but I know my limitations when trying to outfox my three Musketeers and other Mekorama logicians. Your continued interest and support is invaluable to me.

      Eskerrik asko. Mereziaren zati handi bat @ridgerunner-i eman beharko litzaioke kontzeptua asmatu zuen eta ideia garatzera bultzatu ninduen. @ArGee benetako mekanismorako ideia alternatibo batzuk sortu ditu interesgarriak baina maila bere horretan utziko dut, eguna iritsi eta joan da. Bat nator logikaren inguruko zure iruzkinekin. Nire mailak entretenimendu gisa garatzen dira batez ere, baina ahal den neurrian logika gehitzen saiatzen naiz. Nire aurreko ibilbide profesionala ikusita, nahiko logikoa naizela sentitzen dut, baina nire hiru Mosketeers eta Mekoramako beste logiko batzuk gainditzen saiatzean nire mugak ezagutzen ditut. Zure etengabeko interesa eta laguntza ezinbestekoa da niretzat.
    • MekoMole
      @Ray Aznable
      Terima kasih telah bermain dan atas penilaian yang begitu murah hati. Level ini memerlukan waktu untuk diselesaikan, tetapi saya seorang pembangun yang lambat. Menurut saya dari profil Anda, Anda berasal dari Indonesia. Sebagai rasa hormat, saya ingin mempublikasikan level saya dengan terjemahan komentar panjang saya dalam bahasa tertentu dari orang-orang yang mengikuti level saya. Saya telah menggunakan Google Terjemahan untuk mengubah pesan terima kasih ini ke bahasa Indonesia. Saya harap ini dapat diterima tetapi mohon saran jika tidak.

      Thank you for playing and for such a generous rating. The level did take some time to complete but I am a slow builder. I think that from your profile you are from Indonesia. As a courtesy I like to publish my levels with translations of my lengthy comments in the given language of people who follow my levels. I have used Google Translate to convert this thankyou message to Indonesian. I hope that this is acceptable but please advise if not.
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