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Mind Meld

Playable Demo: B has been practising the Vulcan mind meld and has learned to control R by telepathy. Unfortunately he only has limited control as he is not fluent in Vulcan and got the mind meld process confused: 'My thoughts to your thoughts. My mind to your mi... er ... Feet?!'

Mind Meld
ArGee, Sep 12, 2023
MekaSage, Sammy 5, MomoKeego and 4 others like this.
    • ArGee
      Very short level to demo what I think is a new discovery (I haven't found it demo'd before)

      Establishing the telepathy connection is very brief, but can take a few seconds. If it doesn't work first time or breaks, go back to the connection platform and stay a few seconds longer.
    • Rating:
      Super cool demo & although short, as it has a gameplay I decided to rate it... thank you for sharing @ArGee ;)
      btw, since I am not a level creator (because I have no aptitude for it) I cannot assure you if there is any discovery in this level because levels with sensors exist... let's see what the creators, the true experts, say :sneaky:
      ArGee likes this.
    • Chris Hester
      Isn't it just B interfering with the bots legs which make it move out of the way?
      ArGee likes this.
    • ArGee
      @delator77 Thanks for your comment and rating.

      We seem to be kindred spirits in mekorama :) as I love the game but I am not a prolific level creator, for similar reasons :(.
    • ArGee
      @Chris Hester
      the control of R should be remote once mindmeld is established
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Wow:eek:!! Super cool sensor-joystick:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:.
      This invention is a must see @Labyrenight
    • ArGee
      @Denis Nazin Thank you!

      I discovered this weeks ago but hesitated to post as I was unsure of it's use.

      I have to confess I am hoping that an exceptional creator can do something more interesting with it... hint, hint :rotf:
    • Rating:
      @Denis Nazin I'm here.
      @ArGee The master of proximity sensors began to use his mind to control the mekorama universe.
    • ArGee
      @Labyrenight Thank you! a flattering rating from a Mekorama genius.

      Haha, undeserved I assure you. I merely discovered the proximity sensor, whereas you, @Denis Nazin and other creators have mastered it.
    • Denis Nazin
      Thank you - this is really a very cool and very interesting discovery:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:. Of course I tried to build and experiment a little.:rolleyes:

      @ArGee @Labyrenight Friends, I tried adding a third motor for more flexibility, and increased the length of the lever. The joystick now works with greater amplitude and does not lose connection with B:sneaky:. Looko_O:
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      I didn't get it at first then I did! I used the mind control to get the ball to fall on the winblock. It was all over in seconds (I should have got the other star first).

      Interesting discovery!
    • Rating:
      So very strange & freaky. :confused: Very cool.:cool:
      ArGee likes this.
    • ArGee
      Thanks @MomoKeego, it is a bit of freaky & weird thing o_O:D
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