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This isn't really a level, but an example of a flaw in the level creation system. It's possible to post levels that are technically unbeatable. I will be posting about this in the forum.

Brd-Bot, May 26, 2016
    • Sunny Sunset
      By the way, I used to program in Fortran IV, BASIC and C. I workec an Apple II, a home-built Heathkit CPM machine with 8-inch floppies, a VAX, and a CDC Cyber 600 with washing machine tub hard drives.

      And true to the Bunny's usual stumbling... I managed to single-handedly bring the University of Washington Cyber "to it's knees"... And it took the IT department ( right across the hall from where I did it) several months to track down what was causing the monthly slowdown that literally put all processing power on my terminal and nowhere else.

      I still remember the day that three guys burst into the computer science library, dashed around the corner, and all pointed fingers at me innocently sitting at our library's work terminal, and loudly shouting "YOU!!! ....What the hell did you just do? You just brought the cyber to it's knees! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?"

      What had I done? Simple… I had found a command in the ICE manual that allowed me to sort the library card catalog in the best way possible, for our monthly "new acquisitions newsletter".

      Apparently, that command was a no-no, because it pulls all processing power to the one terminal that was doing the sort… And everyone else was dead in the water throughout the entire University of Washington campus until our catalog was sorted.

      I didn't get in trouble, it wasn't malicious...but I did get the duty of going through every ICE manual in existence on campus, and whiting out that command everywhere it showed up.

    • Sunny Sunset
      @Caken Yes, the squishy bug where you can fly, and stand on your head is the one I found. Everything else relates to that bug.
    • Prashant
      Soooo... easy ;)
    • Caken
      I'm stupid
    • Rating:
      Fast forward to four years later. I think it's a stroke of genius by @Martin Magni that his level creator allows publishing a level despite the seemingly obvious fact that it is unwinnable.

      #1 It allows us to create levels without the intent to play and win, but just to showcase a nice structure or map, like art.

      # 2 The fact that apparently Mekorama is full of all sorts of happy glitches and weird behaviors of both B and R that given the right timing of taps/ the right surface to land on/the right circumstances of an overhead structure/the right combination of blocks (e.g. a motor attached sideways to a metal block make it moveable/budge-able), etcetera, a seemingly impossible path to the win that's not visible to the editor can still be hurdled by R or B just by employing tricks. As more of these bugs were discovered and eventually exploited by creators, it became a trend to create a level that wasn't straightforward but can only be solved using tricks. So there. If the in-game level creator didn't allow publishing a level with no win box/or no clear path to the win box, we would not have all these wonderfully itchy tricky levels.
      nGord likes this.
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