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Denis Nazin

Route map


Route map
Denis Nazin, Aug 22, 2023
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS!
      B will not be able to get to victory without a route map. As you can see the map above is not complete. Therefore, you need to solve the puzzle and draw up a complete route map for B. Stick to the route strictly! Good luck
      Time - 1:24

      This is the second version (variation) or continuation of my "Treasure Map" level:
      Here the principle is the same, but the gameplay is completely different. Good luck friends!;)
      KHATIB likes this.
    • Rating:
      I simply looked at the dark draggable shape and guessed the route between the legs and that was it.
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner I was very worried that it might be incomprehensible, so I made it simpler and more accessible. You have reassured me! I am very glad that it is accessible and understandable! Thank you very much!:D;):thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Спасибо большое за такой интересный уровень! Сам я его к сожелению не прошел, . Вы не против если я использую вашу идею в меньших масштабах в каком-нибудь из своих уровней?;)
    • cimarronline
      @MATVADER "Сам я его к сожелению не прошел..."
      Пожалуйста, не оценивайте уровень, если вы сами его не прошли.
    • Denis Nazin
      Конечно, вы можете брать любую мою идею если вам нравится! У меня очень, ОЧЕНЬ много идей - я дам вам ссылки потом.
      Я очень рад что вы уже можете оценивать уровни! Поздравляю!
      Но! На форуме есть правило - нельзя оценивать уровень если вы его не прошли.
      На первый раз я вижу администратор вас простил. Но в будущем пожалуйста так не делайте. Вы можете комментировать , но ставить рейтинг , если вы не смогли победить, вы не можете. В любом случае спасибо вам за внимание к моему уровню. Я очень рад что вам нравится идея. Буду рад если вы захотите использовать мои идеи на ваших уровнях! Спасибо
    • Rating:
      Simple and interesting idea, I really like the split platform!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
      I like the level!:D
    • Denis Nazin
      @Mekologic Thank you very VERY much my friend ;):thumbsup: I am very happy to see you again on the forum:D
    • Denis Nazin
      @cimarronline I just explained the rules of the forum in a personal conversation. And I asked him not to. But!!! Turns out he wasn't breaking the rules! He meant that he could not guess himself and therefore used the video. After that, he passed the level!! On this he can evaluate. He just got it wrong. He just worded his comment wrong:rotf:. He passed the level;)
    • Rating:
      Maybe easier than your usual levels but still fun... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Thank you very VERY much my friend. Due to the fact that the level with non-standard gameplay, I was afraid that it would be difficult to understand. Therefore, I tried to make it as easy as possible and to grasp only the main idea. On this you are right, yes it is an easy level. I am very glad that the main idea turned out to be accessible and understandable. I am very happy about it. Thank you very much! I'm very glad you had fun. Thank you;):D:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Neil Kuo
      Very good level and hides the real road inside:thumbsup::thumbsup:. However, the disadvantage is that when you move the treasure map down, you can roughly guess the walking route:confused:.
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      One can memorise the path.
      Nice work!
    • Denis Nazin
      @Neil Kuo Yes, I understand you. It seemed to me that it would be difficult to understand, so I did not think about it. This is interesting - you have a good idea:rotf::thumbsup::cool:!! The most important thing is that the level turned out to be accessible and understandable. Thank you very much for playing and rating! I'm glad you liked the idea;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Pratik Bhalerao Thank you very much for playing at my level. I'm glad you like the level idea!

      By the way, about the level of "Puma". Yes, I made a design - I'm very glad you liked it:D!!! But that's just design without gameplay. I haven't figured out the gameplay yet. In the future, I will come up with something and be sure to publish it. Thank you;)
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