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Nathan Sabari

Factory Reset

A no trick level. And guess what it's 25 and 25

Factory Reset
Nathan Sabari, Jul 6, 2023
    • Nathan Sabari
      B has to make sure the factory is perfect and check the paths which should be totally accessible.
      Case 1: If ball is fallen, and no effect is seen, then that's a wrong move.
      Case 2: Something will move within 10 secs after the ball is fallen.
      I tried everything possible for stability, please let me know if there are any stability issues.
    • Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      That was a tough challenge. So many complex mechanisms that interact that it was hard work discovering the gameplay. It was a relief to complete it .
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      The longer I was playing, the more I loved this level. That doesn't mean much, because it could mean that I hated it initially, and ended up thinking it was ok. :rolleyes: The truth is, I was slightly offset by how obscure I thought the level was initially. But with a little experimentation, the level revealed itself to be very interesting with continuously changing paths. Similar like in the movie Inception, you kind of loose track of where you are in reality. Then you see B can get here, or there, and the logic develops naturally. Really appreciated the level in the end!
    • Rating:
    • Nathan Sabari
    • Nathan Sabari
      Did you guys find any instability?:oops: Did the mechanisms work smoothly? Because I found a technique that could avoid instability. When the ball falls into the hole, sometimes the mechanisms stuck. It is generally associated with these kind of levels. But to avoid that, I used a L or R bot near the autoslider underground. the autoslider senses L or R, when the autoslider is stuck while pushing the ball underground.
      This is very much helpful for me:thumbsup::thumbsup:.
    • ridgerunner
    • ridgerunner
      Now that the video is out, i will add some comments. It was very devious to have access to a ball blocked making the player feel that they have made a mistake, only for access to magically reappear. Liked the means of ascending from the lower level.
    • Block builder
      No stability issues for me. Although I did manage to bump in to the rotator that makes B fall or push him up, causing the rotator to jam against the dirt. But I was impatient.

      Saw the video, and solved it in that manner. I now remember that one ball was quite hidden. That took me a bit.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Hard very clever levelo_O:sneaky::confused::rotf:, thank you for the video ;). Cool hard logic, thank you ;):thumbsup:
    • Nathan Sabari
      @Denis Nazin Thanks very much for playing my friend;). It's always great to get review from you:thumbsup:
    • alarcon
      I can't see the path of the balls, and my logic doesn't work because visibility is limited and I can only guess which ball has to fall first, and if i wrong the sequences, I have to restart
    • Rating:
      Wow!! great clean logic level with an obscure path... loved it... thanks for sharing & for the fun @Nathan Sabari ;)
      btw, all worked perfectly, no instabilities :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      One thing I didn't get right from your first hint was that not all balls make something move! That took me a while to work around and then I started seeing some paths emerge. Really loved the Rotator mechanism for getting up and down... was perfect and always fun to use. This level was extremely challenging and difficult as the paths kept changing. Caused me quite a few Panic moments when I thought B was trapped!:p thank you very much:thumbsup:
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    Nathan Sabari
    Jul 6, 2023
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