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Labyrenight, Jun 11, 2023
    • Labyrenight
      I can't control left and right direction, use center for calibration.
    • MekoMole
      @Labyrenight I find control difficult but as you say going back to the centre helps. However quite often B seems to stick and nothing I do will budge him. I think I managed three stars on one occasion. Several stars taken in unintentional leaps off the platform. Wonderful eye catching design and addictive gameplay. I'll come back and try again.
    • Labyrenight
      Yes it happens if B has no footing. Don't let it happen.

      For forward (3 blocks) and backward (2 blocks) movements I have managed well.

      For the right and left I set it to 3 blocks, because it's unstable. You can use autopilot in the center to control it.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      When I saw o_O the area of fences, I immediately realized that this level is for me, I will definitely like it!:D:rotf:;)

      Super!! :thumbsup:I love non-standard levels:D! Very original, non-standard and interesting gameplay. One star was very difficult to catch:sneaky:.
      Thank you! Of course 5 from me!:thumbsup:
    • delator77
      @Labyrenight not sure if I am doing something wrong or I am missing something cause I can not take the last star... I took 5 stars easily but when I try to take the last star the mechanism stuck & B stop moving... I tried about ten times with the same result...
    • Labyrenight
      If you mean the star outside the fence, you only need to shift B to the left twice from the center, then B will be thrown.
    • Labyrenight
      @Denis Nazin
      I made this before you uploaded your last level, but as I mentioned it's unstable. But due to the explanation at your level I have to upload it soon :rotf:

      Actually I want to upload the sensor level first, but haven't found the finishing yet :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Jajaja, reading your spoiler something magic happenned cause worked on my first attempt but doing the same move in other times B get stuck... what I said: had to be something magic :D... anyway, thanks for the spoiler & liked a lot the gameplay... thanks for sharing @Labyrenight ;)
    • Rating:
      Fun level! B's instability only caused me 2 restarts so I think that's acceptable. Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
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