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Fractal Journey

This is my second level. A journey inside a fractal structure. Well, what would you expect from an evil, level 2 Menger Sponge...? Zappers? Hidden elevators? Decoy shortcuts that kill you? Who knows? It's a fractal anyway ;) [Difficulty: 3/5]

Fractal Journey
FREED0M, May 29, 2016
Playtime, Anomynous and popjam like this.
    • Rating:
      Sunny Sunset
      I love fractals! It's a shame we can't do the proper triangle version...or can we?

      Anyway, this is unplayable due to the inability to see inside the first floor well enough to be able to move B to the next level. I can tell there is an elevator…but for some reason when I try to approach it, I get zapped by something I cannot see. This is not quite fair.

      Please give us more visibility, especially with moving elevators, because it's easy to get hopelessly squished underneath them when you cannot see to click on the moving platform. And I cannot see the platform on this first floor.
    • FREED0M
      @Sunny Sunset actually, you are going the wrong way. When you turn left from the start you get zapped since you are meant to go other way: to the other elevator at the opposite corner of the trap elevator.

      Besides, if i give more visibility, then it wouldn't look like Menger Sponge anymore.. It took me hours for squeezing a lot of mechanisms into such small space. It's hard to design the walkways since the unit of the cubes are just 3 blocks high, and B-Bots with an eye are 2 blocks high.

      Please reconsider your rating after knowing that this level is beatable. (I always test the level on every stage of development)
    • FREED0M
      From the entrance, head right, then turn left until the farthest corner.
      If you turn left from the entrance you will get zapped.
      There is a manual elevator on this corner, barely visible.
      After going up, go onto the stairs and pull a hidden draggable block towards B-Bot.
      Move on to the next set of stairs, and push the draggable block at the opposite direction as far as you can (to the corner).
      This provides you a block to step to the next set of stairs, and wait the automatic elevator to proceed further (do not go down!)
      Before you proceed through the corner, pull the manual elevator on the left of the entrance, up.
      Then go to the fourth corner and wait for the elevator to the "third floor".
      On the third floor, do NOT take the stairs, instead go to the visible draggable block near the elevator..
      Use this to move to the other side of the cube.
      Then take the stairs to the final elevator, and up to the top.
      Now just walk to the finish XD
    • Sunny Sunset
      @FREED0M I was going to the opposite side, where I saw the elevator going up and down. But I still got zapped… Because I can't see what's around me, and if that zapper is moving… I don't stand a snowballs chance if I can't see where he is moving.

      I also cannot see the elevator platform, to hop onto, to prevent myself from getting squished by it
    • FREED0M
      Okay, first thing first all zappers are not moving. And do not go left from the entrance, go right. And the automatic elevators can't squish the B-Bot since the underside is hollow. The first elevator to go is at the lowest level, at the far right corner if seen from the starting view.
    • AVC
      Beautiful design. But I'd never have found that hidden draggable without the spoiler.
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    FREED0M's Realm
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    May 29, 2016
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    fractal bbotonly