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Denis Nazin

Treasure Map


Treasure Map
Denis Nazin, Mar 3, 2023
KHATIB, Sammy 5, Mr Lemon and 6 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS! Classic level.
      , I suggest you go to childhood:D. This is a children's level:rotf:;) - treasure hunt on the map.
      Be very careful!!! There are many dangers on the island, so strictly adhere to the route - and then you can safely pass the island and get to the TREASURE.
      Good luck friends!
      Hope you like the idea of the level.:D;)
    • Rating:
      Pedro Andrade
      Design limpo e original!
      Muito bom!
    • Chris Hester
      I played it and kept getting zapped. Then I watched the video solution and saw the map! A great touch to a cool design!
    • Rating:
      A Challenging Level.
    • Rating:
      Yes good idea and good level for kids :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Chris Hester Yes, my friend, this level is very difficult to pass without a map:rotf:;) The map is the main idea of the level. I'm glad you like the idea of the level and the design:D. Thanks for playing and commenting.;)
    • Denis Nazin
    • Denis Nazin
      @d'SUKI Oh, I am very glad to see you again on the forum my friend:D!! You always came up with interesting ideas at your levels.:thumbsup: I really love your ideas. Therefore, I am very glad that you like my level idea:D. Thank you very much my friend. I really appreciate your comment!;):thumbsup:

      P.S. I highly recommend all players to play your levels and see your interesting and original ideas!
      d'SUKI likes this.
    • Rating:
      Brilliant concept and design. The novel use of white space is clever. I like the lettering. The final move is an inspired piece of design.
      Regarding suitability for children I would recommend for older children only. I found that when my grandson was younger he got very upset when B was zapped. It is a rather realistic ending. I introduced the concept of stun rather than termination and he eventually became a zapper enthusiast when he discovered that B could be equipped with a zapper. An observation only which applies to all zapper levels and not a criticism of this excellent level. Thank you for sharing.
    • Rating:
      Excellent design & fun childhood gameplay... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole Oh Thank you, thank you very VERY much my friend:D!! I'm really glad that you played and left your comment:D (your comments always inspire me a lot:thumbsup:;))! Thank you.
      Yes, you are right about the kids! I agree with you. We on the forum are already very accustomed to the fact that B can die, and no longer pay attention to it. But kids can get upset:unsure:. On this I completely agree with you;)! Unfortunately in this design it is impossible to do without zippers and Z. But I think you can come up with another design with this idea without Z.
      Thank you very much again;):thumbsup::D
      EL797 and MekoMole like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Пожалуйста (translation - You welcome):D. Thank you very VERY VERY MUCH my friend :D:D;):thumbsup:
    • MekoMole
      @Denis Nazin We all use zappers, myself included. As you say they are essential to the gameplay of this level. I now regret commenting on this and should have done so in a general post rather than in the context of your wonderfful level. Look forward to your next creation.

      Мы все пользуемся запчастями, и я в том числе. Как вы сказали, они необходимы для игрового процесса этого уровня. Теперь я сожалею, что комментирую это, и должен был сделать это в общем посте, а не в контексте вашего замечательного уровня. С нетерпением ждем вашего следующего творения.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole My dear friend, do not regret anything;)! Everything you said is absolutely correct, I completely agree with you:thumbsup:. I even know older and experienced players who get upset when B dies from lightning.

      By the way, I figured out how to explain to the children so that they do not get upset.
      We can say that B does not die. The lightning temporarily incapacitates him and he is unable to move. B is a robot and needs repair. To repair the robot you need to restart the level. By the way, this is actually. When we restart the level, we see that our beloved B is always alive and unharmed - he never dies. He just needs a fix repair;):rotf::D:thumbsup:
      EL797 and MekoMole like this.
    • Chris Hester
      @Denis Nazin if you play the original levels with hints, there's one level where zappers are used and it says B is not dead, just stunned. Makes sense!
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