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L - 1

L - 1
Yusuf, Feb 21, 2023
Sammy 5, MomoKeego and delator77 like this.
    • Yusuf
      Same as before no tricks, but this is more challenging, good luck ;)

      Card with better ending [​IMG]
    • Rating:
      I didn’t like the timing for the last part of the gameplay. Restart required.
      Yusuf and Nuyoah like this.
    • Rating:
      I didn't like it. In the end, I was trapped twice.
    • Yusuf
      That's the challenge. sorry about that @ridgerunner @Nuyoah , I'll make it easier (but not that easy because L can still get trapped if
      you don't roll the ball at the right time and L will walk on the ball and fall inside)
      . I won't repost but I add in the comments, thanks :thumbsup:
      Nuyoah likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Must agree about the end. Timing with L is sort of fine, but with that automatic slider in the mix too, it becomes luck based.

      But the rest of the level was really great. I found it somewhat mysterious. Liked the detail of the right L guidance and timing to get L on top of B (the first time).
      Yusuf and Nuyoah like this.
    • delator77
      @Yusuf I can't do the last step & I tried more than 30 times... & I am not joking :(:cry::confused:... so frustating... I think that is enough for me... I'll play a couple of times a day to see if I can complete it, just for a matter of stubborness... and it's a shame because the rest of the level is very good...
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Buff, finally I did it :D... & now I see that you posted another version with better ending... thanks for that but is too late for me cause I completed the "annoying" first version :p... well, due to that issue I can not give you 5 stars, hope you will understand me :rolleyes:... but liked a lot the logic gameplay!! thanks for sharing @Yusuf ;)
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Yusuf
      First of all, I'm so sorry about that @delator77 and other player.
      You failed 30 times... that's so crazy, appreciate your effort.
      I didn't expect it to turn out like this. When I play, L is also stuck but only once. maybe i got lucky. Next time i will be carefull while making level.

      I've posted levels with better endings, so I recommend players to try that one instead of the previous one..
      Thank you very much @Block builder @delator77 :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      This is definitely a 5-star level, if not for the ending. The end disappointed me a lot (as far as I can see, all the players write about this to you). I see your second version. I downloaded it, but I see that only one last trap has been fixed in it. The autoslider for the last move remained. Since the autoslider sticks on the ball - the last move cannot be calculated by time. It's a lottery, for good luck. Will it or won't it. For a long logic level, this is wrong. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish this. And I don't have time to go through many times. So sorry my friend - I can't rate.:unsure:
      But if you do not take into account the last move - the level is excellent:thumbsup:. Very interesting, tangled, logical level. When I passed your level - I was sure that I would give you 5 for it. The level deserves 5. It's a pity that the ending is not stable and I can't rate it. Thanks for the good logical level;)
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Rating:
      This took a couple of days to complete. Yes, it's annoying with so many restarts. R unstable on B, too easy to lose the ball at red brick blocks & a lot of waiting on L. But, I finished the edited level with L getting win with no problem. I can see how L could be lost before win by stepping on ball before it drops. I was lucky, so once is enuff! Whew! :)
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Yusuf
      Thank you so much @MomoKeego, for playing some of my levels :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      I must have been lucky as I got the ending on my second try with the special timing for L. Really enjoyed this one and found that it was super intuitive and fast-paced. Thanks so much:thumbsup:
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