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Bob Marley

Castle of Aria

Castle of Aria
Bob Marley, Feb 19, 2023
    • Bob Marley
      Here is the solution
    • Bob Marley
      Autopilot, SBS,cancel tap and a trick related to stairs that I don't know the name of
    • Denis Nazin
      Very beautiful design :thumbsup:
    • Bob Marley
      @Denis Nazin i want to ask you why no one is interested, is it too hard to reach and can you give some advice
    • alarcon
      @Bob Marley for me its because a good level is not about difficulty trick, or how long/complicated the level is
      But for me is how stable the gameplay and trick
      Thats why hard for me to rate this level
      Btw beautiful architecture :thumbsup:
    • Bob Marley
      @alarcon I found only the last part quite difficult to press, the rest is completely fine.Is there any unstable place @alarcon
    • alarcon
      The first SBS often B fell out of place, and during the autopilot B also fell out, and this autopilot was very uncomfortable due to limited visibility. even in the videos you uploaded u need many try
    • Denis Nazin
      @Bob Marley Sorry my dear friend. I don't know about other players. I can say to myself: I unfortunately do not play long levels now, I do not have the opportunity to understand and understand a very long gameplay. For this, please excuse me. I only play short levels now.
      As for the other players, I don't know. I can only speak for myself.
      I really like your design!:thumbsup: Thank you;)
    • delator77
      @Bob Marley I am interested my friend & yesterday I tried but as I get stucked, decided to stop & rethink the gameplay cause I must be missing something... lets see if today the inspiration come to me :rolleyes:
    • delator77
      @Bob Marley well, as I tried again & did not find the solution I saw your movie &...
      I must say that the move to put B onto P to push the ball out of the building was unknown for me & think that I wouldn't be able to find by myself...not sure if I saw that move in my six years playing this
      sorry my friend, I can not rate this level cause I did not completed it :(...
    • Bob Marley
      @alarcon,[/USER],@Denis Nazin,@delator77 .i want to ask you guys,Is it necessary to remove SBS, is the p stacking move, and is the p stacking difficult?
    • delator77
      @Bob Marley well, first I will like to know if that move is familiar to regular players like @ridgerunner @Meko Guy etc cause maybe it is & I am wrong but if not, I think that as the move is not very intuitive better if you change it...
    • MekoMole
      Very nice design.
    • shultz
      I watched the video, I definitely have no interest in playing this level! It looks far too tricky for me. Even the first move takes many tries to get right, that does not look fun! And the last move is a high risk autopilot that could make you have to start over. I also personally do not enjoy long levels. Maybe this level is good for a very advanced Mekorama player, but it's not for me.
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