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Bay Traffic

Expanded version of Moveable Motor. Only 3 stars with a win block. Thats all

Bay Traffic
404, Feb 5, 2023
Sammy 5 and MomoKeego like this.
    • Rating:
      Relaxing level.
      . in my opinion, if you really want the player to go back (and down) where the star ball has fallen, you shouldn’t use a win block, but a single star. This way : a bit repetitive…
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      I agree with the comment above, once you reach the win block you don't want to go back for the star ball.

      I liked the mechanisms but when you move them B slides backwards, meaning it's easy to fall off. I had to move them slowly and make sure B wasn't near the back.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Thanks, nice idea and design. Perhaps not everything is provided, because I did not use the stairs. I have only used the sdider lift up (I took all three stars). Anyway, I enjoyed it, thanks.;)
    • MomoKeego
      The 1st run, I also had to backtrack to get the ball star. Kinda did the same my 2nd run, but went to dump star ball 1st, then went back to claim it & back through for 2nd & win. Felt cleaner, less wandering around.
      As for B's riding, I place him at foremost pt, slide smoothly & he arrives in good shape
      It's fun, for sure. Thanks
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    Feb 5, 2023
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