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Just a matter of rythm

    • Valentin
      Hello !
      Some info and hints :

      - If you fall on the white field, you’ll have nothing else to do than ( observe the consequences of your fall and … ) restart !?
      S:(rry. That’s the way it is.

      - To move from a bot to another, choose the place and choose the time. At first you may need a few tries … A tap 1/2 second before contact is … :thumbsup: not so bad !

      I hope you enjoy ?!
      (A v.2 with a few more stars to catch can be provided ;))
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      :rotf::rotf::thumbsup:;) Quick but original level! Thank you my friend
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin I should have put more stars. I knew it :rolleyes:
      Thx !
    • Denis Nazin
      @Valentin By the way, very original design! I saw silhouettes of people and notes and "likes" (thumbs up). Thanks, I like it!!
      I made a safe transition from one bot to another at the corners (where the bots turn). This is a stable transition.

      P.S. I now realized that this is not a "like" sculpture (thumbs up), I realized that this is a radio or record player! And music comes from the radio.
    • Rating:
      The gameplay is 3 stars, but for the excellent calculation of turns and intersections of robots, as well as excellent sculptures from metal rails, I put 4 stars.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
      I keep thinking about the instability of robot-to-robot walk:confused:. Would a massive freeze help? If you make a large plate, everyone robot will remain in their places, and it will be possible to stop robots for a while.:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky:
    • Valentin
      @Mekologic Thanks !
      I don't understand what you mean by 'massive freeze' ?! The whole thing is based on the timing of the bots.
      About instability : as @Meak noticed it, the time a bot moves from a square to an adjacent one is very slightly different from the time it takes to make a 1/4 turn. Reason why, if you do nothing, the bots go out of sync after a 2'45" time (the bots in the center "turn more" than the ones in the big squares)
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin
      Yes !
      The big character is a breakdance dancer and its music comes from a radio.
      And who makes B fall on the floor desynchronizes the bots and ... break their dance ;)
    • Mekologic
    • Valentin
      @Mekologic Okay but if you freeze the bots, there is even less gameplay, no ?
    • Mekologic
      To be honest, yes...:confused:
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      I couldn't even get onto others while in corner position in first try. So I drove all bots away and used Boggy B trick to finish it :D.
      Valentin likes this.
    • Valentin
      I suspected there was a trick to climb onto a WB o_O. Actually I don't even know what exactly is a Boggy B, as I am not very much into tricks... (One day I will use them !)
      Thanks for playing !
    • Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      @Valentin, I hope this might help if I'm not wrong :).
      Valentin likes this.
    • Valentin
      @Soohaeib Afeef Hosen Oh okay. I think I’ve seen this before. Despite the fact this is … cheating :eek: I say : Thank you!! :rotf::thumbsup:
      And I will not give this link as an official VS:p
    • Rating:
      Nice pattern ;)
      Valentin likes this.
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