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Meko Guy

12 Balls to 2023

This is a repost of 12 Balls (Days) to Xmas as two players reported they had issues with the previous level. A few tricks will be required

12 Balls to 2023
Meko Guy, Dec 20, 2022
delator77 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @shaun Roberts asked for a sequel to 'Ride Ball or Not' as he was looking for a large ball level. There is more than one way to complete this level. I couldn't call this level 'Ride Ball or Not 2' as there were too many letters so decided on the current name

      - There is a mechanism by the two bricks that will prevent a slider from returning to where it starts
      - auto pilots
      - low ceiling
      - low ceiling with auto pilot
      - long legs zapper walk with auto pilot (once)
    • IAmPogi
      in the map,I find 12 balls (Days).
    • IAmPogi
      C:cool::cool:l lvl. 12 balls to Christmas.
    • MomoKeego
      B still won't do claustrophobia at red brick, 44 in vid.
    • Meko Guy
      @MomoKeego - Thanks for playing and commenting. I know your issue and that is part of the challenge. The ball is your clue and the brick is your tap spot.
      Low ceiling will only happen when the ball is at the end with nothing above. At that point, tapping the brick causes B to do low ceiling to the ball. If the ball isn't there then the low ceiling will not work. Tap when the ball is at 42 seconds in the video.
    • Rating:
      shaun Roberts
      Superb, excellent level I kept doing a wrong move even though I knew what I had to do & i got caught by that moving zapper a good few times. Nice use of the tricks. I likes the ball walk which the was used for the next move ,autopilot off the ball ;) I see you blocked the slider from throwing B over into the house:D. I also didn't push B hard enough on the second ball walk & didn't make it far enough to even get the star. Nice long level :D. Fun . Thanks for sharing @Meko Guy :thumbsup:
    • Sammy 5
      Gave up after red brick with ball claustrophobia, timing was way too finicky:(
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Superb level... I was afraid that my gameplay would be different due to the complexity but to my (nice) surprise, our gameplay was almost the same. I did not need to use "long legs zapper walk with autopilot" although I notice where to use after completing the level. Thanks @Meko Guy ;) excellent challenge!
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Dec 20, 2022
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