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Fast As A Bullet

The puzzle is very hard to move

Fast As A Bullet
Kyriegabas, Dec 20, 2022
    • Rating:
      Almost too easy to call it a traffic puzzle, but that is the only type i like.
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      The concept is good but the design has a flaw which enabled me to cheat:

      The pieces are quite loose and can easily be dragged out. I was able to push the bot over with a piece in the air. I could then take my time moving the pieces. (I did solve it the intended way first time but not fast enough to beat the bot!) I pulled another piece out to push the tall thing over and get the last star.

      There must be a way to make the pieces tighter - they seem to float about and catch the edges of the nearby ones, making it hard to move them. Often they turn round which stops you from moving them. It's also possible to turn them on their side.

      Have a look at the similar puzzles in the original levels and see if you can copy the mechanisms to stop people like me cheating!

      Anyone able to help here?
    • Kyriegabas
      @Chris Hester thanks i will keep that in mind for my future levels
    • Chris Hester
      @Kyriegabas I had a look at two "traffic" levels in Mekorama and I think they both use sliders. That way the blocks are fixed to the ground, but they only go in one direction. You could try putting rails over the blocks so they can't be lifted up. Just trying to help. :)
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      Nice idea, but not cheatproof

      Some tips
      • Think from all the sides (for no cheat)
      • Add more obstacles (not same)
      • Always ensure stability
      • Learn Mekorama Tricks from YouTube
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