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Meko Man

The Long Game

Designed to be annoying. I realised that there was a mistake in the previous iteration of this level. Here's the corrected version.

The Long Game
Meko Man, Dec 16, 2022
MomoKeego likes this.
    • Rating:
      I wanted to refuse to play this level, but I thought it was all design elements. And the gameplay will be small. It turned out that this is part of the gameplay. I don't like this level, it's too long to walk, and it's annoying...
      There is instability in the level, dying at the end of the robot B lie down horizontally and will not climb into the passage leading to the button. Because of this, you have to restart the entire level...:rolleyes:
    • Meko Man
      @Mekologic I intended to have the zapper at the end. If you time it right, you will get zapped then pushed onto the win. It takes a while sometimes, but it always happens.
    • Mekologic
      @Meko Man, I waited for about 5 minutes and nothing happened. If B lay down horizontally, then it occupies 2 cells, and therefore cannot squeeze into one.
    • Meko Man
      @Mekologic I have seen this, and when it happens to me B does eventually rotate. It could just be that I'm fortunate and haven't had this happen in a restart necessary way. I'll continue testing and try to make it more reliable. Thanks for feedback.
    • Rating:
      As intended, annoying & tedious. The end is the worst. I saw it coming, B must suicide to win. Forwarned, he made a run for it, was zapped & fell broadwise to opening. His body trapped, I must wait & watch while he's slowly tilted up on his head to be shoved onto win. Sigh. So humiliating for such a tenacious, brave and stalwart bot.
      Agonizing & so SAD. :cry::rolleyes:
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    Dec 16, 2022
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