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Stupid little level

Valentin, Nov 2, 2022
    • Valentin
      Need to kick in the established order ...

      ... and then to deal with disorder
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      :rotf::rotf::thumbsup: Cool fun idea. Thank you my friend. I'm glad to see you on the forum;)
      Valentin likes this.
    • Valentin
      Thanks @Denis Nazin !
      Will I find time to finish the levels I started to build - for some, more than a year ago ? o_O
    • Denis Nazin
      @Valentin I think it would be very good if you had time for it.;):thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Bob Marley
      Meet a snack
    • Rating:
      Fun level and not too difficult for an indifferent player like myself. Thanks for sharing.

      I'm currently working on a level which requires lots of bots and discovered that the app has a limit of 64 including the Yellow bot. On trying to add the 65th a warning message displays and all bot options are removed from the block select pop up. Possibly well known but first time I have come across the limitation.

      Thanks again.
    • Valentin
    • Valentin
      Thanks for playing !
      Yep. 64 bots is a maximum ... but the more you put bots, the slower the game may be for people using old and slow devices. :unsure:
      MekoMole likes this.
    • MekoMole
      'but the more you put bots, the slower the game may be for people using old and slow devices. :unsure:'
      Very true @Valentin, I've had comments before about some of my more complex levels causing problems on older devices. At least the app prevents too many bots, I've crashed it before by putting in too many balls. I think 256 might be the critical number if I remember correctly.
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    Stupid little levels
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    Nov 2, 2022
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