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I posted the wrong card just now so sorry. Cross the bridge without using tricks.

ohmytian, Jul 7, 2022
    • Sun Eagle
      @ohmytian Yeah, that auto slider is a bit hidden with me. Never notice that until I move back and forth the slider and stuck a bit then I know how to win.
    • ohmytian
      @Sun Eagle Yes I too figured it might be hidden for some players so I intentionally have it near the opening so players won't need to restart and redo much things.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      A most fabulous adventure! Took me a long time to see that one dark sliding brick at the very start and then to figure out how to use it. B really has to plan his route in advance on both sides. Really like the collapsing Bridge, very novel idea. Excellent fun and thank you:thumbsup:
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @Sammy 5 Thanks a lot for playing! I'm a bit astonished as this level actually had received 8 votes until now! I want to have a look at the video solution but just realised I didn't post it... Glad to know you enjoyed it and liked the idea(though I almost forget what is happening in the level)
      Sammy 5 likes this.
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