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B's got to roll a couple balls down a hill in this one! There are tricks used in this level

Makl, Jul 5, 2022
    • Makl
      Autopilot (twice)
      Claustrophobia (three times)
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      Well-thought ball paths, took me a while to figure that out. I liked the design and the ball stack. Thanks @Makl :thumbsup:

      EDIT: I pushed the second-highest ball on the side and getting to where it should be.
    • BLR
      I'm sorry @Makl, but i found shortcut just using the first ball
      hit the ball, then throw to the hole (hole which is connected to the win) using the draggable. Bring B down using the draggable on other side and go to the win.
      will try to found your intended way...
    • Blue Tower
      What, you mean the ball nearest to B? I don't think that is possible...
    • BLR
      @Blue Tower no, it's possible. And the success change is high. I'll make a video...
    • BLR
      Makl likes this.
    • Blue Tower
      @BLR An easier way is to push the ball from the side then toss it onto the hole.
      BLR likes this.
    • angga alarcon
      All the ball roll very easy to manipulate, so easy enough to use it as a shortcut
      I won with 3 ball and once claustrophobia
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      @BLR what a wild ball path.. and it's consistent too! Its turning out to be pretty hard to make these ball manipulating levels not have shortcuts.
      BLR likes this.
    • BLR
      @Makl it riskful to make a manipulating ball level using draggable cause you can throw it anywhere... Maybe you can make a closed path or something that can blocked the ball to fly high or at least if the ball fly, they go in wrong direction.
    • Makl
      @BLR especially when not using rails to dictate the ball path! You can come from many different directions then, and hit the ball..

      Thank you for the tip.
      BLR likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      i regret
      have not paid attention to ur levels
      since long time ago.
      they have unique mechanisms.
      and many of them beautifuly designed.
      thanks for sharing.

      really enjoyed the ball ride in here.
      managing the sliders to make it roll faster.
      Makl likes this.
    • Rating:
      Feta grodox gr0
      Sorry,win with 1 ball
    • Rating:
      Not sure if I had the correct gameplay as I only used claustrophobia thrice. No autopilots and controlling the balls wasn't very enjoyable(Maybe I wasn't that good). There's also an issue where B flew out to the white while crossing two balls. But I liked the second ball ride in my gameplay.
      Makl likes this.
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