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B's got to roll a couple balls down a hill in this one! There are tricks used in this level

Makl, Jul 5, 2022
    • Makl
      @Ray Aznable that's very kind! Thank you.

      I download lots of levels from here, but... A lot of levels are so tricky and I cant figure them out! Still have fun

      @Feta grodox gr0 yes, this one ended up have some BIG shortcuts!! Sad day

      @ohmytian I'm probably going to step away from ball control levels!! They're so hard to make stable and shortcut proof! The challenges I faced with them caused me to get a "creative block." Thanks for playing

      Thank you everyone for P, C, R! This level has kind of turned out to be more disappointing than I expected, but that's okay.
    • BLR
      @Makl keep trying! Your levels is good, i like them!
    • ohmytian
      @Makl Can you do a video of your designed solution so I can compare and comment where is different?
    • Rating:
      The uneven heights of the fallen balls works well and satisfying simple logic.
    • Makl
      @ohmytian Oh gosh. I made a video and never uploaded it. Yes, I'll do that right now.

      @ridgerunner thank you for P, C, R. The offset ball has been delivering wonderful results really.

      @BLR I'm sure another idea will come to me. I've got several ball manipulation levels halfway done. Thank you!
      ohmytian likes this.
    • Makl
      ohmytian likes this.
    • ohmytian
      @Makl My method is easier I would say. B didn't autopilot at first and push the top ball right away. Then take that first ball ride and went for the top side ball and stabilize the ball on the draggable. B then goes down the lift and descend one level from the first ball which is on a wedge. Then push the ball that B first pushes in the video. Claustrophobia so B can get to the other lift and then take the second ball ride. After that it's the same.
      Makl likes this.
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