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B needs to do autopilots and low ceiling in this B only level! The ball paths are a bit obscure so make sure the sliders are in place before dropping them! I have added a hint inside, find it out yourself.

ohmytian, Mar 18, 2022
MomoKeego, Adiorama, Helena and 3 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I won after over one hour of figuring this level out so maybe a little too much here. I did win but didn't collect a star. The star attached to the ball in the corner. I sent a conversation on that so we can address it there. A hard level that takes some dedication/time to figure out.
    • Rating:
      Superb level and i loved the move with the third highest ball, B and the budgeable. I got all the stars.
    • Allison
      @ridgerunner Can I get a hint on getting the disappearing ball?
    • ohmytian
      Hi, @Allison ! Thank you for playing my level. Which ball are you referring to?
    • Rating:
      I got the win but couldn't get the disappearing star. Had a lot of fun though. Wasn't the biggest fan of 1st or 5th but the rest have been great! Keep them coming.
    • Allison
      I meant to say disappearing star. The one that goes into the wall when knocked down.
    • ohmytian
      Thank you very much for playing, @Allison ! The disappearing star ball - you should push it before B takes the ball ride. And keep in mind that capturing a star isn't always done by a bot. A ball or a mechanism can capture a star as well.
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable

      without VS from @RZK
      i will never know B need to push
      a big metal pole through dark cave.

      also a part where B's b'utt lifted up
      by a rolling ball, then the process
      consecutively continued, ball rolling
      to first floor.
      RZK and ohmytian like this.
    • ohmytian
      @Ray Aznable It's the main move in this level and I built the level around this move. But I didn't know how to make it intuitive or make people know B will need to perform such autopilot. Glad you found the video helpful. Thank you very much for playing and thanks @RZK for the video as well.
    • Ray Aznable
      the steps sequence
      and how them excecuted are beautiful.
      sadly the over complex design
      making those process be enjoyed less.

      i havnt play the rest from 7th and forth
      but have played the 11th one.
      it has simplier look & pretty design
      compared to other levels.
      making me enjoying every difficult
      process of the steps.
    • ohmytian
      @Ray Aznable I am not really good at designing the best architecture but I always do try my best to make my level looks good.
    • Ray Aznable
      next time,
      u can try to keep ur level look simple,
      so players can intuitively realize
      of what to do in your level.
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