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A fold out timing level, no tricks. Out of matrix star collection. Help B collect spare parts (stars) to restore his vintage Ford Mustang. Some hidden and semi hidden moves.

MekoMole, Jun 6, 2022
    • MekoMole
      Another fold out extravaganza but with comparatively simple gameplay. B's initial moves involve working under the chassis of the car and, as a result, are partially hidden. Use zoom and pan and rotate liberally to get a good view. In the video he falls off R Bot after fixing the exhaust. This hasn't happened in exhaustive testing so Murphy's Law strikes again. It doesn't affect gameplay.

      His journey upward is completely hidden in places but there are frequent glimpses to help. He requires assistance in places and the help required is not always obvious.
      The level extends above and beyond the matrix with stars out of his immediate reach. Herding required.

      At ground level be careful not to collide with the ever helpful R bots as they will be deflected from their required path possibly forcing a restart. Because the game scene takes time to unfold I have tried to design out forced restarts but it is not always possible. Be particularly careful transferring between Mustangs. Study the required sequence to take the two stars on the wild Mustang, remembering B can only operate unassisted within the matrix above ground level. Take care when herding not to accidentally step onto the R bot as game over.

      This has been a difficult design, fighting for every block. I'm reasonably happy with it except for the front view of the pony where I ran out of options to fill in the belly.

      As always treat as a fun level, hopefully. Not to be taken too seriously.
      BLR and Adiorama like this.
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      Incredible work! Great structures.
      I finds difficulty in finding the links of path to stars.
      My weakness :(
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      Great design but sometimes it blocks the view (like what @EL797 told me when I was still a beginner). I won on the second attempt although not sure if I won as intended because I used a couple autopilots to win, didn't use P and the slider beside the stone wedge under the front of the car. Thanks @MekoMole :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Incredible:eek:mechanism I really really liked it;). It's difficult to add gameplay in such a mecanism with beautiful design but you did it pretty cool:D:thumbsup:
      Mechanism 5! Gameplay 5!
      Design 5! Overall 5 out of 5 stars:)THANKS FOR SHARING ;):thumbsup:
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Rating:
      Another great looking dynamic design. I also didn’t use P, not by intent, but somehow got P frozen.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Pratik Bhalerao for playing and for very kind words. Good to hear from you again and hope that you are well.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Blue Tower for playing, kind commments and very generous rating. I accept that visibility is very restricted and did acknowledge that in my introductory comment. That said, it is very valuable to have constructive critical comment. It looks like I needed to do more to improve visibility without destroying the overall effect of the design.
      I am not a fan of autopilot, I consider it one of the many bugs which plague an otherwise excellent application. However, the fact that I have never been able to master it probably influences my attitude. Where possible I do try to anticipate and block it but I obviously failed this time.
      I appreciate your reply very much.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Adiorama for very kind comments and very generous rating, much appreciated. As you rightly say it is difficult to balance design and gameplay sometimes without affecting either or both. However, as designers, that is our task. Thank you again for playing and taking time out to leave a review.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @ridgerunner for kind comment and very generous rating. I am always a bit apprehensive awaiting your review in case I have Fergusoned again. Looks like I may have.
      To a country boy from Balloch it should not be possible for B to get onto the bonnet without resorting to black arts like autopilot etc. The design intent was for two missing blocks in the path but hidden from view. The vertical slider fills one. The R Bot with block on top, I was unaware until now he was known as P, climbs the stair and cannot get back if the horizontal slider is pulled back. He then fills the second missing block.
      As always thanks for playing.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I have been very busy the last two days. Finally I was able to play your level! I knew it would be something interesting.
      Fantastically cool, beautiful, realistic design!!! It's amazing how you inventing through individual parts (pieces, fragments) of a sculpture, so that later they form an amazing sculpture!!! This is genius. I really admire this!
      Thank you my dear friend for a wonderful work of art! Mustang horse and mustang car - very cool idea! I really really like:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:!!!
      The gameplay is also very interesting. I liked how you calculated the zones that B cannot get into! However, R can. I know you love it and use it very well in your levels. For a long time I could not find the fifth star under the car))) I liked the way you can take it.
      Thank you.
      Gameplay 5!
      And design of COURSE 5!!!:thumbsup:;):D
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Rating:
      Amazing, really AMAZING design as always!!:eek: Not a fan of hidden but i managed to win it:cool: thanks @MekoMole :thumbsup:
      MekoMole likes this.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Denis Nazin for your very generous praise and rating. Above all thank you for making time to play, I still can't figure out how you do all you do. I wasn't sure about the star under the car. A bit too hidden perhaps, but I liked the idea of B repairing the exhaust.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @BLR. Your kind comments and very generous rating are very much appreciated. I understand your view on hidden but it's difficult sometimes to open up a design sufficiently without damaging the aesthetics. I'm glad the hidden aspect didn't put you off too much and that you completed the level.
      BLR likes this.
    • Rating:
      angga alarcon
      Design 6 mechanism 5 gameplay 4
      Beautiful art, great job my friends :thumbsup::thumbsup:
      MekoMole likes this.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you for playing @mr. alarcon and for such positive feedback and rating. I think the gameplay on this one has suffered a little at the expense of the design. Next time I do a 'big one' I'll try to get the balance better.
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