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Denis Nazin


This is my level 220 but I have never remixed. This is my first remix of the FIRST level of mekorama. I don't really like remixes, but I decided to change the scale. This is the enlarged first base level. NO TRICKS!

Denis Nazin, Jun 8, 2022
EL797, delator77, MomoKeego and 9 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @BLR Thank you very VERY MUCH my friend!:D;):thumbsup:
      Adiorama and BLR like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @anomalli @Adiorama @Blue Tower Friends, please forgive me. the last two days I have not had enough time for the forum, I don't have time to play other levels. There is a war going on in my city Kharkov (Ukraine). A bomb flew near my house. We are alive, but we need to deal with the restoration of housing. I help neighbors fix windows. I also help distribute humanitarian aid to pensioners. That's why I sometimes don't have enough time for the forum.
    • Blue Tower
    • Denis Nazin
      @Blue Tower Yes, unfortunately the war continues and probably will be for a long time:(. Thank you for your concern! thank you friend;)
    • BLR
    • Denis Nazin
      @BLR Thanks a lot my friend. I feel your support and the support of many friends on the forum. Thank you!;)
      Adiorama and BLR like this.
    • Adiorama
      @Denis Nazin I am very sorry to hear this, take care of yourself, your family and your neighbours I will pray that this war ends soon And I hope that there will be peace in Ukraine and whole world again, STAY SAFE my friend
      Denis Nazin and BLR like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      Thank you very much my friend. I am a cosmopolitan, so I believe that it is necessary to pray for world peace. The Universe has created a beautiful planet Earth. But people decided to divide it into many states, religions, spheres of influence, races and so on. humanity itself has created a big problem for itself by dividing our beautiful planet into pieces and into spheres of influence. We are from different states and nationalities, but we are first of all PEOPLE of one common planet. We are strongly divided and pitted against each other. but until we realize that we are all people of the same planet, unfortunately internecine wars will continue. Therefore, I do not think that I belong to any state, I am a man of the planet Earth, all people are brothers! I pray for world peace!!!

      Большое спасибо мой друг. Я космополит, по этому я считаю что нужно молится за мир во всём мире. Вселенная создала прекрасную планету Земля. Но люди решили разделить её на множество госудорств, религий, сфер влияния, расс и так далее. Человечество само создало себе большую проблему разделив нашу прекрасную планету на куски и на сферы влияния. Мы с вами с разных государств и национальностей, но мы с вами прежде всего ЛЮДИ одной общей планеты. Нас сильно разьединяют и стравливают между собой. Но до тех пор пока мы не осознаем что все мы люди одной планеты - к сожалению будут продолжаться междуусобные войны. По этому я не считаю что я пренадлежу какому-то государству, я человек планеты Земля, все люди братья! Я молюсь за мир во всем мире!!!
    • Rating:
      angga alarcon
      Nice remake, nice puzzle
      Drop 1 star for hidden first ball
      Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
    • Adiorama
      @Denis Nazin
      You are absolutely right my friend.
      BLR and Denis Nazin like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @mr. alarcon
      Thanks a lot my friend. Sorry for the hidden ball:unsure:, it seems to me that this is an interesting puzzle:sneaky:, and I made the slider - the tree trunk clearly visibleo_O. Sorry if you've wasted a lot of time on this. I'm glad you liked everything else!:D

      It was you who inspired me to create this level! I decided to do the opposite of your remake ;) :
    • BLR
      @Denis Nazin i think i need to make the most little or the biggest one:rotf:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Adiorama :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:Yes yes my friend!!! This is a very good picture! We need to educate our children around the world in the spirit of this picture. And then everything will be fine!! Thanks;)
    • Chris Hester
      @Denis Nazin the floating ball is amazing!! I love the under water section. But in your demo for a friend, the opened ball just falls to the floor...
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