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Wild journey

Welcome to the wild journey, no trick needed, teamwork is the only way. You have to be extra careful. Dont get stuck or fall. Good luck

Wild journey
anomalli, May 29, 2022
    • Rating:
      Great looking elephants.
    • anomalli
    • Rating:
      Great design:cool:with interesting gameplay I like the little elephant:DTHANKS FOR SHARING ;):thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      angga alarcon
      1. Its very small gameplay for very big space
      2.very unstable for being big logic/timing game, and very small gameplay for being adventure game
      3. I liked the design so much, but it not balance with the gameplay
      Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
    • anomalli
      @Adiorama thankyou my friend. Really appreciate it :thumbsup::thumbsup:

      @mr. alarcon thankyou for playing and rate, sir :thumbsup::thumbsup:. Very good advice but fyi I made a lot kind of levels, there's big space with complex gameplay, another is small space with complexity, and big space with small gameplay. For me it doesn't matter. I think a good design need a lot of space ;)
    • Rating:
      As usual, your level design is very good:thumbsup: you really a good artist;). I don't care about the small gameplay cause every people has different style. Also make such a great design need big space. Thanks for make this level @anomalli :sneaky::thumbsup:;)
    • anomalli
      @BLR thank you for P :cool:, C :D, R ;) my friend. Dont forget to have fun today :thumbsup:
      Adiorama and BLR like this.
    • BLR
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I really love the art sculptures in mekorama!
      Thank you very much!
      1) Great and very cute design!
      2) Very good level logic without tricks! I like.
      You made good use of observation - B can get off the bot's head to the second floor level, but R(L) can't! You did a great job of applying this to your level logic.
      5 from me!!

      But I don’t understand only one thing - why do we need a slider lift near a small elephant?
      Everything else is great! Well done.
    • anomalli
      @Denis Nazin about the unnecessary slider near small elephant is bcs I want to improve the gameplay. but accidentally I deleted the level :confused::confused: but lucky I already save one. Then I decided to upload that.. so my time isn't wasted :D. thank you for playing and rate, sir. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      Little lengthy and slippery, but manageable.

      Fantastic sculptures and of course, cute one!

      As name suggests, it was not any wild.
    • Rating:
      Only the cool designs deserves 5 stars... the gameplay was nice too... thank you @anomalli :)
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    Kid Stuff
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    May 29, 2022
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