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A B Duction

B was grillin' some BBQ bolts in the backyard when he was suddenly abducted by aliens! Help him escape their tractor beam and get back home safely.

A B Duction
FNF, Apr 27, 2022
BLR and d'SUKI like this.
    • Rating:
      That always happens to me too when i mess with the BBQ. Such a lot of work must have gone into this level and it’s hard to follow the right path.I missed out one of the stars but i am quite satisfied with the first and the winblock. I loved capturing the first star (the highest) . It is like a snooker shot but you can’t miss. Took a few attempts to manage to get the winblock which put me off exploring more of the level.
      Edit. Had another attempt and got all three stars.
      FNF likes this.
    • FNF
      @ridgerunner Yeah, the grill is a dangerous place, lol. Glad you like the card :)
    • BLR
      I confused...
    • FNF
      @BLR Nothing to do with the level. Just sayin' if you get abducted everytime you you BBQ, you should choose fast food, lol. I once burnt my forehead on a grill . . . we probably don't need to talk about that danger, tho ;)
      BLR likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ah yes, finally finished it and get all stars. Thanks @FNF :):thumbsup:
      FNF likes this.
    • FNF
      Great. Working on an update to make the last bit more intuitive ;)
      BLR likes this.
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    Apr 27, 2022
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