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Chris Hester

Ball Fall v2

Ball Fall v2
Chris Hester, Apr 26, 2022
MomoKeego, Sammy 5 and MekaSage like this.
    • Robot B
      One of the three balls of the initial staircase does not fall into the hole but out of it ... I have tried several times but this prevents me from progressing in the level ...:(
    • MekaSage
      I like the ball falling effect. If you use that feature in future levels it might be fun to have one of the paths to a star require B to walk across the balls before they are pushed so the player has to figure out when it's safe to push the balls.
    • Chris Hester
      @Robot B that happened to me sometimes, but most times the balls fell into the hole. However, you don't need the star to finish the level!
    • Rating:
      Robot B
      Ok. Now I've done it. :)
      For that part of the level it's a bit unstable, but overall I liked the level.;)
      You're right, I didn't need that star, but for me if you don't get all the stars in one level you don't really win.:D
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Enjoyed the water"ball" effect and it might be more congruent if B carried on through that to the zapper area. The gameplay was fun and straightforward:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Nice play! One of the 3 balls rolled away, but wasn't needed (I got lucky). Blew thru the rest just fine. Thank you. :cool:
    • Rating:
      I had the same problem that @Robot B experienced so won without a star
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    Apr 26, 2022
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