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Swift Lift

Are you as swift as the lift?

Swift Lift
Logo, Apr 21, 2022
MomoKeego, Helena, MekaSage and 5 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Wow brilliant!! I am very happy that I was finally able to play this level. I'm happy that I didn't miss this level. Because this is one of the best logic levels I've played lately. I like the design, I like the mechanics, I like the interaction logic, I like the hidden mechanism. I love everything on this level. Thank you very much!! Of course 5!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::D;)
      Logo likes this.
    • Logo
      Thanks @Denis Nazin! I'm wondering, did you also have the same issue with R getting stuck?
    • Denis Nazin
      @Logo When R passes the first time this place is no problem. When I first played and studied the level, I did not move the mechanism to redirect R. And then R went around and from the 2nd or 3rd time it "stuck", "frozen". And then I realized that this is a trap and after restarting I immediately redirected R , because on the first circle R does not get stuck. I thought it was a trap you planned:rotf:) I had no problems with it, 'Cause on the first lap my R never stuck!;)
      Logo likes this.
    • Logo
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Phenomenal mechanism and yes it was indeed swift. Took quite a bit to figure this out and enjoyed every lift and fall that B took. Very exciting and kinetic experience that with trial and error is a wonderful challenge!:thumbsup:
      Logo likes this.
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